Tuesday, April 14

Educational Research (837): AIOU Solved Assignments (Autumn 2019) - Assignment No. 1

Q. 1 Explain briefly each source of knowledge and discuss which source is most important and why?

What is Knowledge?
For their healthy existence, the human body needs nutritious food. For its healthy and bright
functioning, human mind also needs nutritious food. Therefore knowledge is regarded as the nourishment of mind. The definition of knowledge is a continuous discussion among epistemologist philosophers. The true faith is justified according to Plato's knowledge. Knowledge can be defined as a knowledge or an awareness of someone or anything that is acquired through experiences or education by perception, discovery or learning such as facts, information, descriptions or skills. New data obtained by an agency by formal, informal or non-formal means of investigation may be described as knowledge. Knowledge enhances the strength and confidence of people in their work. The research activity builds new knowledge, theory or generalization.

Ways/Source of Acquiring Knowledge
The main motivating factor for looking for new knowledge is curious to know more about new things. If the person has an imbalance with respect to any content, he / she begins to find a valid conclusion on the question of doubt. The clarification process leads them to balance in their knowledge. The following are ways to accumulate new knowledge for the purpose of receiving new information.

​Sensory Perception
Senses are ways of understanding. Five senses help a person to receive primary information about any object, person or event, etc. For instance, students can see the teacher experiment, hear the explanation, touch the item or product, smell the product, taste the product, etc. Through these five events (five sense organs) or one activity (single sense organ), students can build and verify the experiment's information. Sensory perceptions are therefore the only important source or instrument for knowledge acquisition. If a researcher is involved, the sensory perception is important to him to collect information and check that the acquired knowledge is authentic and original.......................................................................................................................................... 

Q. 2 Define research. Explain the important characteristics of research.

Q. 3 How can educational research be used to improve the system of education? Support your answer with arguments.

Q. 4 Differentiate among basic, applied and action research and discuss in detail the need and use of action research.

Q. 5 Differentiate between historical and experimental research and discuss the process of experimental research.


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