Saturday, April 11

Educational Technology (8619): AIOU Solved Assignments (B.ed : Autumn 2019) - Assignment 1

Q. 1: Why we need educational technology in teaching learning process? Give your own reflection.

Educational technology is a systematic application of relevant technological processes and
resources in teaching, with a goal to improve students’ performance. It involves a disciplined approach to identifying the needs of students, applying technology in instructions, and tracking their performance. Many people are wondering: what do you mean by educational technology? There are many definitions of the concept, mainly because every educator implements technology in a unique way. If we tried to come up with a simple definition, the one we presented above would be it.
First of all, EdTech is a systematic approach. What does this mean? An educator cannot pick random tools and use them with random goals in the classroom. There still is a curriculum to follow.
Relevant technological processes and resources. This means that the processes and resources must be relevant to the curriculum goals and milestones. EdTech also has a purpose: to improve the performance of the students. Every tool and method that’s being introduced in the classroom should be driven by that goal.
Finally, EdTech also requires the educator to have a disciplined approach to revealing the needs of the students. Those needs will help them determine the relevant technology to apply in the classroom. All results must be tracked, so the teacher will know how effective their methods are. If the students are not achieving good results after implementing a specific tool, the teacher should search for a better one.
Not every teacher is ready to start using EdTech in their teaching methods. That’s exactly why universities are offering programs related to educational technology, so the upcoming generations of teachers will be ready to meet all needs of modern students. As for the current generations of teachers, they have a responsibility to upgrade their skills.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Q. 2: What do you understand by the term learning? Explain the characteristics of learning. Critically examine your role as teacher to improve pupils’ learning.

Q. 3: Write critical notes on the following:

a) Educational implications of Thomdike’s Trial and Error theory

b) Educational implications of Maslow’s hierarchy’s of needs

Q. 4: While teaching in your classes, which type of information required for a clear objective. Also differentiate between general and specific objectives.

Q. 5: Critically examine the instructional strategies. Which strategy do you think more appropriate for teaching-learning process in your classes?    

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