Wednesday, October 12

Compulsory English-I (207) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Compulsory English-I (207)



SCIENTIFIC NAME: Balaenoptera musculus

TYPE: Mammals Q.1 Suppose you are a student and you want to write an essay about Blue Whales. Keeping in mind the information given below, write a paragraph about Blue Whales.                                                                                   (20)


DIET: Carnivore



SIZE: 82 to 105 feet

WEIGHT: Up to 200 ton


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The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a marine mammal and a baleen whale. Reaching a maximum confirmed length of 29.9 meters (98 ft) and weighing up to 199 tonnes (196 long tons; 219 short tons), it is the largest animal known to have ever existed. The blue whale's long and slender body can be of various shades of greyish-blue dorsally and somewhat lighter underneath. Four subspecies are recognized: B. m. musculus in the North Atlantic and North Pacific, B. m. intermedia in the Southern Ocean, B. m. brevicauda (the pygmy blue whale) in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean, B. m. indica in the Northern Indian Ocean. There is also a population in the waters off Chile that may constitute a fifth subspecies.

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The genus name, Balaenoptera, means winged whale[3] while the species name, musculus, could mean "muscle" or a diminutive form of "mouse", possibly a pun by Carl Linnaeus[4][3] when he named the species in Systema Naturae.[5] One of the first published descriptions of a blue whale comes from Robert Sibbald's Phalainologia Nova,[6] after Sibbald found a stranded whale in the estuary of the Firth of Forth, Scotland, in 1692. The name "blue whale" was derived from the Norwegian "blåhval", coined by Svend Foyn shortly after he had perfected the harpoon gun. The Norwegian scientist G. O. Sars adopted it as the common name in 1874.[7]


Blue whales were referred to as 'Sibbald's rorqual', after Robert Sibbald, who first described the species.[6] Herman Melville called the blue whale "sulphur bottom" in his novel Moby Dick[8] because of the accumulation of diatoms creating a yellowish appearance on their pale underside.

In general, blue whale populations migrate between their summer feeding areas near the poles and their winter breeding grounds near the tropics. There is also evidence of year-round residencies, and partial or age/sex-based migration. Blue whales are filter feeders; their diet consists almost exclusively of krill. They are generally solitary or gather in small groups, and have no well-defined social structure other than mother-calf bonds. The fundamental frequency for blue whale vocalizations ranges from 8 to 25 Hz and the production of vocalizations may vary by region, season, behavior, and time of day. Orcas are their only natural predators.

The blue whale was once abundant in nearly all the Earth's oceans until the end of the 19th century. It was hunted almost to the point of extinction by whalers until the International Whaling Commission banned all blue whale hunting in 1966. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed blue whales as Endangered as of 2018. It continues to face numerous man-made threats such as ship strikes, pollution, ocean noise and climate change.

Blue whales are rorquals in the family Balaenopteridae. A 2018 analysis estimates that the Balaenopteridae family diverged from other families in between 10.48 and 4.98 million years ago during the late Miocene.[10] The earliest discovered anatomically modern blue whale is a partial skull fossil found in southern Italy, dating to the Early Pleistocene, roughly 1.5–1.25 million years ago.[11] The Australian pygmy blue whale diverged during the Last Glacial Maximum. Their more recent divergence has resulted in the subspecies having a relatively low genetic diversity,[12] and New Zealand blue whales have an even lower genetic diversity.[13]

Whole genome sequencing suggests that blue whales are most closely related to sei whales with gray whales as a sister group. This study also found significant gene flow between minke whales and the ancestors of the blue and sei whale. Blue whales also displayed high genetic diversity.[10]


Blue whales are known to interbreed with fin whales. The earliest description of a possible hybrid between a blue and fin whale was a 20-meter (65 ft) anomalous female whale with the features of both the blue and the fin whales taken in the North Pacific.[14] A whale captured off northwestern Spain in 1984, was found to have been the product of a blue whale mother and a fin whale father.[15]

Two live blue-fin whale hybrids have since been documented in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, (Canada), and in the Azores, (Portugal).[16] DNA tests done in Iceland on a blue whale killed in July 2018 by the Icelandic whaling company Hvalur hf, found that the whale was the offspring of a male fin whale and female blue whale;[17] however, the results are pending independent testing and verification of the samples. Because the International Whaling Commission classified blue whales as a "Protection Stock", trading their meat is illegal, and the kill is an infraction that must be reported.[18] Blue-fin hybrids have been detected from genetic analysis of whale meat samples taken from Japanese markets.[19] Blue-fin whale hybrids are capable of being fertile. Molecular tests on a 21-meter (70 ft) pregnant female whale caught off Iceland in 1986 found that it had a blue whale mother and a fin whale father, while its fetus was sired by a blue whale.[20]

There is reference to a humpback-blue whale hybrid in the South Pacific, attributed to marine biologist Michael Poole.[3][21]

Subspecies and stocks

At least four subspecies of blue whale are recognized, some of which are divided into population stocks or "management units".[22][23] They have a worldwide distribution, but are mostly absent from the Arctic Ocean and the Mediterranean, Okhotsk, and Bering Sea.[22]

Northern subspecies (B. m. musculus)

North Atlantic population - This population is mainly documented from New England along eastern Canada to Greenland, particularly in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, during summer though some individuals may remain there all year. They also aggregate near Iceland and have increased their presence in the Norwegian Sea. They are reported to migrate south to the West Indies, the Azores and northwest Africa.[22]

Eastern North Pacific population - Whales in this region mostly feed off California from summer to fall and then Oregon, Washington State, the Alaska Gyre and Aleutian Islands later in the fall. During winter and spring, blue whales migrate south to the waters of Mexico, mostly the Gulf of California, and the Costa Rica Dome, where they both feed and breed.[22]

Central/Western Pacific population - This stock is documented around the Kamchatka Peninsula during the summer; some individuals may remain there year-round. They have been recorded wintering in Hawaiian waters, though some can be found in the Gulf of Alaska during fall and early winter


Q.2   In Unit 2, Page 46, you have read that there are many people who come to Major Haq’s house for services. What do the following people do at Major Haq’s house?         (10)

i.            A sweeper who comes to.......................................................................

ii.          A plumber who comes to......................................................................

iii.        A washer man who comes to................................................................

iv.        A maid who comes to.............................................................................

v.          A cook who comes to.............................................................................



i.          A sweeper who comes to use a broom and shovel to clean off litter, animal waste and filth that accumulated on streets.

ii.         A plumber who comes to install and repair pipes and fixtures that carry water, gas, or other fluids in homes and businesses.

iii.       A washer man who comes to  a man who washes clothes, linens, etc., for hire; laundryman.

iv.        A maid who comes to 'Maid' is based on the true story of this single mom. The popular Netflix series 'Maid' is based on the true story of author Stephanie Land.

v.         A cook who comes to prepare (food, a dish, or a meal) by mixing, combining, and heating the ingredients.

"shall I cook dinner tonight



Q.3      In Unit 1 you read a dialogue between Kamal Baig and the policeman. Suppose you have gone to a trip to the museum with your school friends. The museum has a collection of many butterflies. Use the WH question from given below and write a dialogue between your and the museum guide. Follow the example:            (10)

            Example:        A: Where are you going?

                                    B: I am going with my friends.

Rudy: Can you tell me the hours of operation for the Museum?


Guard: It’s open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. It’s closed on Sunday.


Rudy: Thanks. I’ll be back tomorrow.


The next day, I arrived at the Museum at 10 a.m. and the same guard was there.


Rudy: Hello, again. Can you tell me if the Museum has any tours?


Guard: The Museum has a self-guided tour. You can get information at the ticket window.


Rudy: Oh, thanks. Do you know if I can use my flash to take photos in the Museum?


Guard: You can take pictures, but flash photography is prohibited. Food and drinks are prohibited, too.


Rudy: Oh, I guess I need to get rid of this bottle of juice before I go in. Do you know if all of the exhibits are open to the public today?


Guard: The east wing is under construction, but the rest of the galleries are open. The sculpture and painting galleries are to your left, and the artifacts are to your right.


Rudy: Thanks a lot. How much is the admission charge?


Guard: It’s $10.00 for adults, $3.00 for children, and $5.00 for seniors and students with picture ID. The people at the ticket window can help you with that.


Rudy: Thanks. Just one more question.


Guard: Yes?


Rudy: If I leave after I pay, can I come back in?


Guard: Yes. You just have to show your stub. Anything else?


Rudy: Oh, no. Thanks a lot. Sorry to have bothered you.


Guard: No trouble at all.


Q.4      In Unit 2, exercise3, you have read and listened the dialogue between Major Haq and Soomro. Suppose you want to buy a building. You got to a property dealer and ask him some questions. Write five questions which you will as the property dealer about buying a building.      (10)


women  : Is this the house you wanted to show us?


property dealer : Yes, madam.


women  : It looks too small for a family of four.


property dealer: I know it's smaller than you wanted, but it's one of the best houses in this locality.


women  : How many bedrooms does it have?


property dealer: There are two. The master bedroom is spacious enough to accommodate two children. You and your husband could use the smaller one.


women  : I think we could manage this way. But don't you have any three-bedroom house?


property dealer: I've one, but it's extremely expensive.


women  : Okay, then how much would be the rent of this house?


property dealer: It would be Rs.5000/-.


women  : Does that include any of the utilities?


property dealer: Yes. It includes gas.


women  : Oh, It's an added attraction. But before I sign a deed of rent I would like for my husband to see it. How late are you open?


property dealer: You may come at six. I' Il still be in my office.


women  : That's good. Then see you in the evening. Thank you very much.


property dealer: You're welcome



Q.5      In Unit 2, Page 41, you have studied different words to express reason. Now read the questions below by writing suitable reasons. Use the word given in the brackets. Follow the example:         (10)

            Example:       I am working hard to complete this project as I have to get my degree.

i.          Why do we need to keep our surroundings clean? (because)

ii.         Why is there so much crime in our country? (as)

iii.       Why do we need to get computer training? (since)

iv.        Why should we travel by metro bus? (because)

v.         Why should we wear proper dress at workplace? (as)



i.          Why do we need to keep our surroundings clean? (because)


8 Ways to Keep the Earth Clean

Bring a bag. ...

Invest in a reusable water bottle. ...

Bring your own reusable cup. ...

Refuse single-use items. ...

Avoid products with microbeads. ...

Shop in bulk. ...

Make sure your waste goes to the right place. ...



ii.         Why is there so much crime in our country? (as)

Family factors may be the main reason individuals get involved in crime but drug dependence may be the main distinguishing factor between those who offend frequently and those who offend only occasionally.


iii.       Why do we need to get computer training? (since)


Ongoing computer training provides helps employees build new job skills, which they can use to decrease your costs, respond to customer queries and complaints, communicate efficiently with other employees and file legal paperwork.


iv.        Why should we travel by metro bus? (because)


Is less stressful. Rather than driving in traffic, you can use the time that you spend moving from one place to another by bus to do other things, such as reading, advancing some work, taking a nap, listening to music, doing important phone calls, etc. 2. Travelling by bus is cheaper than owning and operating a car.


v.         Why should we wear proper dress at workplace? (as)


Dressing professionally helps you present a positive, professional image of your organization to others. Even if you dress casually or wear a uniform, making sure you look neat and put together can improve the reception you receive.


Q.6   Use the present continuous tense or ing from the verb to write 5 sentences using the following verbs:                                                                                  (10)









i.                 Jump


The dog is jumpping on a man


ii.               Jog

I am jogging in the park




I am walking on park


I am strolling on the ground.



I saw a liming dog.


Q.7   In Unit 3 you learnt about words and their meanings through use of synonyms. Write at least 5 words along with their synonyms.                                (10)



Together with

Along with

As well as

In addition to








Q.8   Unit 3 deals with ‘Education and Career Plans’. Go to Page 69, Exercise 6, where an advertisement of job for a policeman. The administration requires the following information. Fill in the form given below with information about you.         (20)



i.       Full Name:........................................................................................... Shahid      

ii.      Father’s Name: Farhan........................................................................

iii.    National Identity Card Number:42261-4563587-1.............................

iv.     Age 16 .................................................................................................

v.      Domicile  Bahalapur............................................................................

vi.     Permanent Home Address: street 1, mateen town, bahalpur...............

vii.    Present Address if different from permanent address: same as above

viii.  Education: Matric       ....................................................................................................

ix.     Specialized Diploma (if any):..............................................................

x.      Languages Spoken: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki...........................



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