Tuesday, February 14

Audiology & Audiometry (683) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Audiology & Audiometry (683)

Q. 1    Write in detail about the two main factors in exposure to noise which may lead to damaged hearing.

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Exposure to noise is a common cause of hearing loss, particularly in occupational settings. There are two main factors that determine the risk of noise-induced hearing loss: the level of noise and the duration of exposure.


Level of Noise:

The level of noise is the intensity or loudness of the sound measured in decibels (dB). The greater the level of noise, the greater the risk of hearing damage. Sounds at or above 85 dB can cause damage to the hearing system, particularly if the duration of exposure is long. For example, sounds at 85 dB can be listened to safely for up to 8 hours, but sounds at 100 dB can cause hearing damage after only 15 minutes of exposure.


Duration of Exposure:

The duration of exposure is the length of time that an individual is exposed to noise. The longer the duration of exposure, the greater the risk of hearing damage. Even sounds that are not very loud can cause damage if the exposure is long enough. For example, exposure to noise at 70 dB for 8 hours a day, five days a week can cause hearing loss over time.


Combined Effect:

The risk of hearing damage from noise exposure is not simply the product of the level of noise and the duration of exposure. The risk increases exponentially as both factors increase. For example, a sound at 100 dB is not just twice as loud as a sound at 50 dB, it is 10,000 times more intense. Likewise, a sound at 100 dB is not just twice as damaging as a sound at 90 dB, it is actually 10 times more damaging.



Prevention of noise-induced hearing loss involves reducing exposure to noise by decreasing the level of noise and limiting the duration of exposure. This can be done through engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment such as earplugs or earmuffs.



In conclusion, exposure to noise is a significant risk factor for hearing loss, and the level of noise and the duration of exposure are the two main factors that determine the risk of noise-induced hearing loss. It is important to take steps to reduce exposure to noise in order to prevent hearing damage, such as using ear protection, reducing exposure time, and taking breaks from noisy environments.


Q. 2    Write note on the following: -   

(a) Pure-tone threshold

Pure-tone threshold is a measurement used to determine a person's hearing sensitivity across a range of frequencies. It is often the first test performed in a comprehensive audiological evaluation.



The purpose of a pure-tone threshold test is to determine the softest sound that a person can hear at different frequencies. The results of this test can help diagnose hearing loss and provide information for fitting hearing aids or other hearing devices.



During a pure-tone threshold test, the patient wears headphones and is presented with a series of pure-tone sounds at different frequencies and levels. The patient is asked to indicate when they hear a tone by pressing a button or raising their hand. The tester then records the softest level at which the patient can detect each tone.



Pure-tone threshold tests require specialized equipment, including an audiometer, headphones or earphones, and a sound booth or a sound-treated room.



Pure-tone threshold tests are typically performed at frequencies ranging from 250 Hz to 8,000 Hz, which covers the range of frequencies important for speech comprehension.



The results of a pure-tone threshold test are presented on an audiogram, which is a graph showing the softest sounds that the patient can hear at different frequencies. The audiogram can help diagnose different types of hearing loss, such as conductive, sensorineural, or mixed.



The results of a pure-tone threshold test are interpreted by a trained audiologist. The audiologist considers the patient's hearing threshold levels at different frequencies, as well as any asymmetry in hearing sensitivity between the two ears.



Pure-tone threshold tests have some limitations. They only provide information about the softest sounds that a person can hear and do not evaluate more complex aspects of hearing such as speech understanding, sound localization, and temporal processing.

In conclusion, pure-tone threshold is an important test to evaluate hearing sensitivity and to diagnose different types of hearing loss. It is a standardized and reliable method for assessing hearing thresholds across different frequencies. However, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of this test and to supplement it with other tests to obtain a more comprehensive evaluation of hearing.


(b) Narrow-band masking         

Narrow-band masking is a technique used in audiology to test hearing sensitivity and diagnose hearing loss. It involves presenting a narrow-band noise to one ear while presenting a tone to the other ear, and measuring the level of the tone required to be heard in the presence of the masking noise. Here are the detailed headings for narrow-band masking:



The purpose of narrow-band masking is to determine the frequency-specific hearing threshold of an individual by testing the ability to detect a tone in the presence of narrow-band masking noise.



During a narrow-band masking test, the patient is presented with a tone in one ear and a narrow-band masking noise in the other ear. The frequency of the masking noise is typically set to match the frequency of the tone being tested. The level of the tone is gradually decreased, while the level of the masking noise is gradually increased until the tone can no longer be detected. The lowest level at which the tone can be detected is recorded as the hearing threshold for that frequency.



Narrow-band masking requires specialized equipment, including an audiometer, headphones or earphones, and a narrow-band noise generator.



Narrow-band masking can be performed at different frequencies, depending on the range of frequencies important for speech comprehension.



The results of a narrow-band masking test are presented on an audiogram, which is a graph showing the softest sounds that the patient can hear at different frequencies in the presence of narrow-band masking noise. The audiogram can help diagnose different types of hearing loss, such as cochlear, neural, or mixed.



The results of a narrow-band masking test are interpreted by a trained audiologist. The audiologist considers the patient's hearing threshold levels at different frequencies and the amount of masking required at each frequency. This information can help determine the type and severity of hearing loss.



Narrow-band masking has some limitations. It only provides information about the hearing sensitivity at specific frequencies and does not evaluate more complex aspects of hearing such as speech understanding, sound localization, and temporal processing. In addition, narrow-band masking may not be suitable for individuals with tinnitus or hyperacusis, as the masking noise may exacerbate their symptoms.

In conclusion, narrow-band masking is an important test to evaluate frequency-specific hearing threshold and to diagnose different types of hearing loss. It is a standardized and reliable method for assessing hearing thresholds in the presence of narrow-band noise. However, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of this test and to supplement it with other tests to obtain a more comprehensive evaluation of hearing.


Q. 3    What are the vital criteria for devising tests of hearing for varied age groups?

Tests of hearing are crucial for assessing the hearing ability of individuals of all age groups. The following are some vital criteria that need to be considered when devising tests of hearing for different age groups:

Age-appropriate stimuli: The stimuli used for testing the hearing ability should be appropriate for the age of the individual. For example, pure-tone audiometry may not be suitable for young children who may not have the cognitive ability to respond to simple tone stimuli. In such cases, speech audiometry or visual reinforcement audiometry may be more appropriate.

Test duration: The duration of the test should be appropriate for the age of the individual. Young children may not have the attention span to sit through a long test, so shorter tests may be more appropriate.

Response mode: The response mode should be appropriate for the age of the individual. For example, young children may respond better to visual reinforcement or play audiometry, while older children and adults may be able to respond to pure-tone or speech audiometry.

Test environment: The test environment should be conducive to obtaining accurate results. The testing environment should be quiet and free from distractions to avoid errors in measurement.

Test instructions: Clear and concise test instructions should be given to the individual being tested, especially for young children who may not have the cognitive ability to understand complex instructions.

Normative data: The test results should be compared to normative data that is specific to the age group being tested. The norms for adult hearing may not be appropriate for children, as children's hearing ability can vary significantly as they grow and develop.

Interpreting results: The interpretation of test results should take into account the age of the individual being tested, as well as other factors that may affect hearing ability, such as medical history and noise exposure.

In conclusion, devising tests of hearing that are appropriate for different age groups requires careful consideration of age-appropriate stimuli, test duration, response mode, test environment, test instructions, normative data, and interpreting results. Adhering to these criteria can lead to more accurate and reliable assessments of hearing ability in individuals of all age groups.


Q. 4    What is the relationship between the pure-tone audiogram and hearing for speech?

The pure-tone audiogram is a standardized test used to evaluate an individual's hearing sensitivity across a range of frequencies. The test involves presenting pure tones at different frequencies and intensities to determine the softest sounds that a person can hear. The results of the pure-tone audiogram can be used to assess the degree and configuration of hearing loss.

The relationship between the pure-tone audiogram and hearing for speech can be understood through the following headings:

Frequency range: The pure-tone audiogram tests hearing sensitivity across a range of frequencies from 125 Hz to 8,000 Hz. However, speech sounds are typically in the range of 250 Hz to 8,000 Hz, with most important consonant sounds in the higher frequencies. Therefore, hearing loss in the higher frequencies can significantly impact speech perception.

Intensity level: The pure-tone audiogram measures hearing sensitivity in decibels (dB) from 0 dB to 120 dB. However, speech sounds are typically at lower intensity levels, ranging from 30 dB to 70 dB. Therefore, hearing loss in the lower intensity levels can significantly impact speech perception.

Audiogram configuration: The shape of the audiogram can provide information about the configuration of hearing loss, which can affect speech perception. For example, a high-frequency hearing loss may result in difficulty hearing certain consonant sounds, while a low-frequency hearing loss may result in difficulty hearing vowel sounds.

Speech audiometry: While the pure-tone audiogram provides important information about hearing sensitivity, it does not necessarily provide information about an individual's ability to understand speech. Speech audiometry tests may be used in conjunction with the pure-tone audiogram to evaluate an individual's ability to hear and understand speech.

In conclusion, the relationship between the pure-tone audiogram and hearing for speech can be complex and depend on the frequency range, intensity level, audiogram configuration, and other factors. While the pure-tone audiogram provides important information about hearing sensitivity, it may be necessary to use additional tests, such as speech audiometry, to fully evaluate an individual's ability to hear and understand speech.


Q. 5    Write a detailed note on the classroom amplification system and different available options in Pakistan.

Classroom amplification systems are designed to improve speech intelligibility and reduce background noise for students in a classroom setting. These systems can be particularly helpful for students with hearing impairments, as well as those with attention or processing difficulties. In Pakistan, there are a number of different options available for classroom amplification systems, including the following:

FM Systems: FM systems consist of a transmitter microphone worn by the teacher and a receiver worn by the student. The teacher's voice is transmitted wirelessly to the student's receiver, which can be worn as a headset or hearing aid. FM systems are portable and can be used in a variety of classroom settings, making them a popular choice in Pakistan.

Infrared Systems: Infrared systems use infrared light to transmit the teacher's voice to the students' receivers. This technology is particularly useful in situations where privacy is important, as the infrared signal cannot be picked up by nearby rooms or buildings.

Classroom Audio Distribution Systems (CADS): CADS systems use ceiling-mounted speakers to distribute the teacher's voice evenly throughout the classroom. These systems are often integrated with multimedia systems, allowing the teacher to easily switch between different sources, such as a microphone, DVD player, or computer.

Induction Loop Systems: Induction loop systems use a loop of wire around the perimeter of the classroom to transmit the teacher's voice directly to the students' hearing aids. These systems are particularly useful for students with hearing aids that are equipped with telecoils, which can pick up the signal from the loop.

Bluetooth Amplification Systems: Bluetooth amplification systems allow teachers to wirelessly transmit their voice to students' hearing aids or headphones using Bluetooth technology. These systems are particularly useful for students who use Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids or headphones.

In conclusion, classroom amplification systems can provide significant benefits for students with hearing impairments or other learning challenges. There are a variety of different options available in Pakistan, each with its own unique features and benefits. Teachers and school administrators should carefully evaluate their needs and budget when selecting a classroom amplification system to ensure that it meets the specific needs of their students.

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