Monday, February 6

Handicapped Parsons in the Community (673) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Handicapped Parsons in the Community (673)

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Q. 1    a)   Describe special needs of Handicapped Children.

Special Needs of Handicapped Children:

Physical Needs:

Mobility aids: Children with physical disabilities may require mobility aids such as wheelchairs, crutches, or walkers to assist with movement.

Accessible environment: Children with physical disabilities may require an accessible environment with ramps, elevators, and accessible bathrooms to ensure they can move around freely and comfortably.

Medical care: Children with physical disabilities may require ongoing medical care and support, such as physical therapy or rehabilitation.


Cognitive Needs:

Adaptive equipment: Children with cognitive disabilities may require adaptive equipment such as computer software or specialized devices to help them learn and communicate.

Structured environment: Children with cognitive disabilities may benefit from a structured environment with clear routines and rules to help them understand and succeed in school.

Specialized instruction: Children with cognitive disabilities may require specialized instruction, such as special education services or speech and language therapy, to help them learn and reach their potential.


Emotional and Social Needs:

Acceptance and understanding: Children with disabilities often require acceptance and understanding from their peers and educators to help them feel included and valued.

Social skills development: Children with disabilities may require support in developing social skills and building relationships with others.

Emotional support: Children with disabilities may require emotional support and guidance to help them manage feelings of frustration, anxiety, or low self-esteem.

In conclusion, handicapped children have unique and complex needs that require a combination of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social support. Addressing these needs requires a comprehensive and individualized approach to ensure children with disabilities have the resources and support they need to succeed and reach their full potential.


b) Differentiate the terms used professionals to define (describe) the concept of handicapped people.     

Terminology Used to Describe Handicapped People:

Medical Model:

·       "Disabled" or "handicapped"

·       Emphasizes the medical aspects of disability, such as a physical or cognitive impairment.

·       Views the person as a passive recipient of medical care and rehabilitation.


Social Model:

·       "Person with a disability"

·       Emphasizes the social aspects of disability, such as discrimination and barriers to inclusion.

·       Views the person as an active agent who can overcome challenges and participate fully in society with the right support and accommodations.


Human Rights Model:

·       "Person with a disability" or "person with a difference"

·       Emphasizes the human rights of people with disabilities and the importance of equal opportunities and respect for their dignity and worth.

·       Views the person as a full and equal member of society who deserves the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.

It is important for professionals to be mindful of the language they use when referring to individuals with disabilities. The use of person-first language (e.g., "person with a disability") is recommended as it acknowledges the person first and foremost, rather than the disability. The language used can have a significant impact on the way individuals with disabilities are perceived and treated, and it is crucial to use language that promotes inclusion, respect, and equality.


Q. 2    Discuss the effect of impairment at school life of children.

Impact of Impairment on School Life of Children:

Academic Performance:

Children with impairments may face challenges in academic subjects, such as reading, writing, and math, due to their disability.

They may require accommodations and support, such as extra time, specialized technology, or individualized instruction, to succeed in school.


Social and Emotional Well-being:

Children with impairments may experience isolation and exclusion from their peers, leading to low self-esteem and social anxiety.

They may also face bullying and discrimination, further affecting their emotional well-being and sense of belonging.


Access to Education:

Children with impairments may face physical barriers to accessing education, such as lack of accessibility in schools or transportation difficulties.

They may also face attitudinal barriers, such as a lack of understanding or accommodations by teachers and staff.


Opportunities and Outcomes:

Children with impairments may have limited opportunities for educational and vocational advancement due to systemic barriers and discrimination.

They may also face higher rates of poverty and unemployment, further limiting their opportunities for a successful and fulfilling life.

It is important for schools to address the challenges faced by children with impairments and provide the support and accommodations needed for their success. This may include creating inclusive environments, providing specialized instruction, and promoting positive attitudes and relationships with peers. Additionally, it is important for society to address the systemic barriers and discrimination faced by individuals with disabilities, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable world.


Q. 3    Define self-image. How a teacher can develop a good self-image of handicapped children? 


Self-image refers to an individual's perception of themselves, including their beliefs, attitudes, and feelings about their own abilities, qualities, and characteristics.


Developing a Positive Self-Image in Handicapped Children:

Positive Reinforcement:

Teachers can help develop a positive self-image in handicapped children by consistently using positive reinforcement and providing opportunities for success.

Encouraging the child to recognize and celebrate their achievements, strengths, and positive qualities can boost their self-esteem and self-worth.


Building Confidence:

Teachers can support the development of confidence in handicapped children by offering challenging, yet achievable tasks and providing support when needed.

Creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where the child feels valued and respected can also help build confidence and positive self-image.


Promoting Independence:

Teachers can help develop a positive self-image by promoting independence and helping the child to develop their own skills and abilities.

Encouraging the child to take on responsibilities, make decisions, and solve problems can foster a sense of autonomy and self-reliance.


Addressing Stereotypes and Prejudice:

Teachers can address stereotypes and prejudice towards handicapped children by promoting a positive and inclusive classroom culture.

Encouraging respectful and accepting attitudes towards diversity, including different abilities, can help children develop a positive self-image, regardless of their impairment.

A positive self-image is crucial for the overall well-being and success of handicapped children. Teachers play a critical role in supporting the development of a positive self-image, by fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, promoting independence, and addressing stereotypes and prejudice.


Q. 4    What do you understand by community? Discuss various structures of community. How do the attitudes of community affect the personality       


A community is a group of people who share common interests, values, beliefs, and goals and who interact with each other on a regular basis.


Structures of Community:

Physical Community Structure: Refers to the physical arrangement of buildings, streets, parks, and other features in a community.

Social Community Structure: Refers to the relationships between people in a community, including social networks, support systems, and cultural practices.

Economic Community Structure: Refers to the distribution of wealth, resources, and power within a community.

Political Community Structure: Refers to the systems of governance, decision-making, and representation in a community.


Attitudes and their effect on Personality:

The attitudes and beliefs of the community can have a significant impact on the development of an individual's personality.

A positive and inclusive community culture can foster self-esteem, confidence, and a sense of belonging in individuals, while negative attitudes and prejudices can harm an individual's self-image and sense of self-worth.

Attitudes towards diversity, including differences in abilities, can also shape an individual's self-concept and sense of belonging in the community.

In conclusion, the structure of a community and the attitudes of its members can play a significant role in shaping the personality and self-image of individuals. A positive and inclusive community culture that values and respects diversity can have a positive impact on the development of an individual's personality, while negative attitudes and prejudices can harm self-image and self-esteem.


Q. 5    a) Classify the handicapped children.

Handicapped children can be classified into several categories based on their specific needs and abilities. Some common categories include:

Intellectual Disabilities: Children with intellectual disabilities have significant limitations in cognitive functioning and adaptive behaviors, such as problem-solving, communication, and daily living skills.

Learning Disabilities: Children with learning disabilities have difficulty processing and using information, despite having average or above-average intelligence. They may have difficulties with reading, writing, or math.

Physical Disabilities: Children with physical disabilities have impairments that limit their mobility, strength, or fine motor skills. Examples include cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, and spina bifida.

Sensory Disabilities: Children with sensory disabilities have impairments in one or more of their senses, such as vision or hearing.

Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Children with emotional and behavioral disorders have difficulties regulating their emotions and behavior, and may exhibit symptoms such as anxiety, depression, or aggression.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Children with ASD have difficulties with social interaction, communication, and behavior. They may also have repetitive behaviors and restricted interests.

Multiple Disabilities: Children with multiple disabilities have impairments in two or more categories, such as a physical and intellectual disability.

It is important to note that each child is unique and may have different needs and abilities. This classification is simply a way to categorize children with similar needs and challenges to ensure they receive appropriate support and services.


b) Explain major causes of disability in Pakistan.

Major Causes of Disability in Pakistan

Medical Causes

Causes related to health conditions:

·       Birth defects

·       Infections

·       Injuries


Environmental Causes

Causes related to the environment in which a person lives:

·       Malnutrition

·       Exposure to toxic substances

·       Poor living conditions

·       Lack of Access to Healthcare


Causes related to limited access to medical services:

·       Inadequate medical facilities and equipment

·       Lack of trained healthcare professionals

·       Poverty and Socioeconomic Factors


Causes related to socio-economic status:

·       Limited access to education and resources

·       Inadequate nutrition and living conditions

·       Lack of access to health services

·       Cultural Attitudes and Stigma


Causes related to societal attitudes and perceptions:

·       Negative attitudes towards people with disabilities

·       Lack of understanding about disabilities

·       Limited opportunities for social and economic inclusion

It is important to note that disability can be caused by a combination of factors, and that addressing these underlying causes can help to prevent and reduce the incidence of disability in Pakistan.

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