Tuesday, February 14

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped Children (677) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped Children (677) 

Q. 1    Differentiate the terms orientation and mobility. Explain the role of hearing in achieving orientation.

Orientation and Mobility


Orientation: refers to the ability to understand and make sense of one's surroundings, including spatial awareness and environmental knowledge.

Mobility: refers to the ability to move around in one's environment and access different spaces, including walking, crawling, or using a mobility aid.

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Role of Hearing in Orientation

Hearing plays an important role in orientation by providing sensory information about the environment.


Sounds can help to locate objects and people

Sounds can provide information about the location and direction of movement

For individuals with hearing impairments, other senses such as vision, touch, and proprioception may play a greater role in achieving orientation.

It is important to note that orientation and mobility are complex skills that are influenced by many factors, including sensory abilities, physical abilities, cognitive abilities, and environmental factors. Effective teaching and support can help individuals with disabilities to develop these skills and achieve greater independence in their environments.


Q. 2    Discuss the need and importance of mobility  training for the VHC. Describe the importance of kinesthetic sense in acquiring information from the environment.

Mobility Training for Visually Handicapped Children (VHC)

Need for Mobility Training

Visually handicapped children often face challenges in moving around and accessing their environment, especially in unfamiliar or changing environments.

Mobility training is essential for helping VHC to develop their spatial awareness and orientation skills, as well as to gain confidence and independence in navigating their environment.


Importance of Mobility Training

·       Improves safety and reduces the risk of accidents and injury

·       Enhances confidence and self-esteem

·       Supports independence and participation in daily activities

·       Enhances social interactions and relationships

·       Improves access to education and employment opportunities


Importance of Kinesthetic Sense in Acquiring Information from the Environment

The kinesthetic sense refers to the sense of movement and body position.

For VHC, the kinesthetic sense is especially important in acquiring information about the environment, as it provides information about the movement of the body in space and helps to build a mental map of the environment.

By developing their kinesthetic sense, VHC can improve their mobility and orientation skills and gain greater independence in their environment.

In conclusion, mobility training is a critical aspect of support for VHC and should be integrated into their education and rehabilitation programs. The focus should be on developing a range of sensory abilities, including the kinesthetic sense, to support their mobility, orientation, and overall development.


Q. 3    Describe the role of motor development in creating body awareness and improving posture of VIC.   

Role of Motor Development in Body Awareness and Posture

Motor development refers to the progress of an individual's ability to control and coordinate their body movements. It is a crucial aspect of human development that begins in infancy and continues through adolescence and adulthood.


Body Awareness:

Motor development plays a significant role in creating body awareness. As children develop motor skills, they become more aware of their body and its capabilities. This awareness is crucial in developing spatial awareness, which allows children to understand where their body is in relation to other objects and people.


Improvement of Posture:

Good posture is crucial for overall health and well-being, and motor development plays a significant role in its improvement. Improved motor skills lead to better coordination, balance, and control of the body. Children with better motor skills are more likely to adopt good posture, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal problems in the future.



In conclusion, motor development is a vital aspect of human development that plays a crucial role in creating body awareness and improving posture. By developing motor skills, children become more aware of their body and its capabilities, leading to better posture and reduced risk of musculoskeletal problems in the future.


Q. 4    How do VI children explore ROADS? Discuss the skills required for this purpose.

Exploration of ROADS by VI Children

Visually impaired (VI) children face unique challenges when exploring their environment. Despite their visual impairment, they can still use other senses to explore and understand their surroundings, including touch, sound, and smell.


Methods of Exploration:

VI children explore roads using various techniques, such as touch, sound, and smell. They may use their hands to feel the texture and shape of the road surface, listen to the sounds of cars and other sounds in the environment, and use their sense of smell to detect different odors.


Skills Required:

VI children require several skills to effectively explore roads, including:

Spatial Awareness: VI children need to understand where their body is in relation to other objects and people. This skill allows them to navigate the road and avoid obstacles.

Mobility Skills: Good mobility skills are crucial for VI children to safely move around roads. This includes skills such as walking, running, and crawling.

Sound Localization: Sound localization is the ability to identify the source of a sound. This skill is crucial for VI children to understand the direction and proximity of sounds on the road, such as cars or people.

Touch Perception: Touch perception is the ability to understand the properties of an object through touch. VI children use this skill to understand the texture and shape of the road surface.



In conclusion, VI children can explore roads using their other senses, including touch, sound, and smell. To effectively explore roads, VI children require several skills, including spatial awareness, mobility skills, sound localization, and touch perception. These skills help them to navigate the road and avoid obstacles, promoting their independence and safety.


Q. 5    Write notes on the following.

i)        Self-Motivation


Self-motivation is the drive and determination that comes from within an individual to achieve their goals and aspirations. It is a crucial aspect of personal development and success.


Sources of Self-Motivation:

Self-motivation can come from various sources, including:

Personal Goals: When individuals have clear and meaningful personal goals, they are more likely to be self-motivated. Having a sense of purpose and direction provides a strong driving force.

Interest and Passion: When individuals are engaged in activities they find enjoyable and fulfilling, they are more likely to be self-motivated. Pursuing activities that align with one's interests and passions is a powerful source of self-motivation.

Recognition and Reward: Positive feedback, recognition, and rewards are powerful motivators. When individuals receive rewards for their hard work and achievements, it reinforces their motivation and drives them to continue to strive for success.

Autonomy: Allowing individuals to have control over their work and decisions can increase their self-motivation. Feeling empowered and in control of one's life and work can be a significant source of motivation.


Barriers to Self-Motivation:

However, self-motivation can sometimes be hindered by several factors, including:

Lack of Direction: When individuals are not clear about their goals and purpose, it can be difficult for them to find motivation.

Lack of Interest: When individuals are not engaged in activities they find enjoyable and fulfilling, they may struggle to work with those activities.

ii)       Mannerism

Mannerisms are unique patterns of behavior or speech that are characteristic of an individual. They can be intentional or unintentional, and are often unconscious habits.


Forms of Mannerisms:

Mannerisms can take various forms, including:

Physical Mannerisms: Physical mannerisms are actions or movements that are specific to an individual. They may include gestures, facial expressions, and body postures.

Verbal Mannerisms: Verbal mannerisms are speech patterns that are specific to an individual. They may include specific words, phrases, or accents.

Behavioral Mannerisms: Behavioral mannerisms are habits or patterns of behavior that are specific to an individual. They may include habits such as tapping a foot or biting nails.


Impact of Mannerisms:

Mannerisms can have both positive and negative impacts, including:

Positive Impact: Mannerisms can be used to express one's personality and individuality, and can make a person more memorable and likeable.

Negative Impact: Mannerisms can sometimes be distracting or annoying, and may negatively impact one's personal and professional relationships.


Managing Mannerisms:

Individuals can manage their mannerisms by:

Becoming aware of their mannerisms: By paying attention to their habits, individuals can become more aware of their mannerisms and work to modify them if necessary.

Practicing good habits: By practicing good habits, individuals can replace negative mannerisms with positive ones.



In conclusion, mannerisms are unique patterns of behavior or speech that are characteristic of an individual. They can have both positive and negative impacts, and individuals can manage their mannerisms by becoming aware of them and practicing good habits.


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