Sunday, February 5

Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Pakistan (545) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Political Parties and Pressure Groups in Pakistan (545)

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Q.1     political party is the basic component of democracy with reference to this discuss the objectives of formation of political parties. Explain the functions of political parties and also discuss the democracy within political party. 

The objectives of forming political parties are to represent the diverse interests and views of citizens, to contest elections and form the government, to articulate policy positions, to act as a watchdog over the government, and to provide an alternative to the ruling party.


The functions of political parties include:

Representation: Political parties provide representation to various groups and communities in society.

Election Contests: Political parties participate in elections and compete for power.

Policy Making: Political parties formulate policies and programs that they promise to implement if they come to power.

Government Formation: Political parties work towards forming the government and implementing their policies.

Opposition: Political parties play the role of opposition and criticize the government when it fails to deliver on its promises.

Democracy within political parties is achieved through internal elections, transparency in decision-making, and the ability of members to participate in the party's activities and express their views. Political parties must also ensure that their internal structures and processes are democratic and adhere to principles of equality and fair representation. This is important to maintain the credibility and legitimacy of political parties in a democratic system.


Q.2     Elaborate the elements of pressure groups. Describe in detail the types of different pressure groups in Pakistan and also explain their role in developments of public opinion.

Elements of Pressure Groups:

Membership: Pressure groups have a defined membership, usually made up of individuals who share common interests or goals.

Goals: Pressure groups have specific goals or objectives that they aim to achieve through collective action.

Leadership: Pressure groups have a leadership structure that guides and coordinates the activities of the group.

Resources: Pressure groups have access to various resources, such as funding, expertise, and networks, that enable them to achieve their goals.

Tactics: Pressure groups employ a variety of tactics, such as lobbying, advocacy, and mobilization, to influence government policies and public opinion.


Types of Pressure Groups in Pakistan:

Political Parties: Political parties are considered a type of pressure group as they represent specific interests and ideologies, and use various tactics to influence government policies.

Business Interest Groups: These are groups that represent the interests of businesses and corporations, and advocate for policies that promote economic growth and competitiveness.

Labor Unions: Labor unions represent the interests of workers and advocate for policies that protect workers' rights and improve their working conditions.

Religious Groups: Religious groups represent the interests of religious communities and advocate for policies that promote their beliefs and values.

Environmental Groups: Environmental groups represent the interests of those concerned about environmental protection and advocate for policies that promote sustainability and conservation.


Role of Pressure Groups in Developing Public Opinion:

Advocacy: Pressure groups use various forms of communication, such as media campaigns and public events, to advocate for their positions and raise awareness about their issues.

Lobbying: Pressure groups engage in lobbying, which involves direct communication with government officials and policymakers, to influence decision-making.

Mobilization: Pressure groups mobilize their members and the public to take action on specific issues, such as participating in protests and signing petitions.

Shaping Discourse: Pressure groups play a role in shaping public discourse by advancing certain ideas and framing issues in specific ways.

By engaging in these activities, pressure groups can have a significant impact on public opinion and influence government policies. Their role in shaping public opinion and influencing decision-making is an important aspect of democratic participation and accountability.


Q.3     Discuss in detail the interaction and interrelation process between the political parties and pressure groups during 1956-1977.

Interaction and Interrelation between Political Parties and Pressure Groups (1956-1977):

Competition: Political parties and pressure groups often competed for influence over government policies and public opinion. This competition could take the form of direct confrontation or indirect rivalry, as each tried to gain the upper hand in shaping public discourse and influencing decision-making.

Cooperation: In some cases, political parties and pressure groups cooperated with each other to achieve common goals. For example, political parties may have aligned with labor unions to support workers' rights, or environmental groups may have worked with political parties to advance environmental protection policies.

Influence on Political Parties: Pressure groups exerted influence on political parties by advocating for specific policies and by mobilizing public opinion. This influence could lead political parties to adopt positions that reflected the views and interests of pressure groups.

Pressure on the Government: Political parties and pressure groups sometimes joined forces to exert pressure on the government. For example, a coalition of political parties and labor unions might have organized protests or strikes to demand policy changes or better working conditions.

Political Responsiveness: Political parties and the government were often responsive to the demands and influence of pressure groups. This responsiveness reflected the democratic principle of accountability, as political parties and the government were accountable to the public and to various interest groups in society.

During the period of 1956-1977, the interaction and interrelation between political parties and pressure groups reflected the dynamic and constantly evolving nature of democratic politics. While competition and cooperation between political parties and pressure groups could lead to both positive and negative outcomes, their interaction and interrelation played a crucial role in shaping government policies and public opinion, and in advancing the interests and views of various groups in society.


Q.4     Identify the elements of public opinion. Elaborate the role of public opinion in developments of democracy.

Elements of Public Opinion:

Attitudes: Public opinion is composed of attitudes and beliefs held by individuals about various political, social, and economic issues.

Values: Public opinion is also shaped by values and moral principles, such as freedom, equality, and justice, that inform individuals' perspectives and opinions.

Knowledge: Public opinion is influenced by the level of knowledge and understanding individuals have about issues and events.

Interests: Public opinion is also shaped by individuals' interests, such as their socioeconomic status, education, and occupation, which can inform their views and opinions.

Demographic Characteristics: Public opinion can also be influenced by demographic factors, such as age, gender, race, and ethnicity, which can shape individuals' perspectives and opinions.


Role of Public Opinion in Developing Democracy:

Representation: Public opinion plays a crucial role in democratic societies by serving as a means of representation for the views and interests of the people.

Accountability: Public opinion holds elected officials and political parties accountable to the people, as they must respond to the views and interests of the public to maintain their legitimacy and support.

Participation: Public opinion encourages and enables individual participation in the democratic process, as individuals are able to express their views and opinions, and participate in decision-making.

Conflict Resolution: Public opinion can play a role in resolving political conflicts by providing a means for the expression of differing perspectives and interests, and for finding common ground.

Shaping Policy: Public opinion can also have a direct impact on policymaking, as political parties and elected officials are responsive to the views and interests of the public.

In conclusion, public opinion is an important element of democratic societies, as it provides a means of representation and participation for the people, and serves as a mechanism of accountability and influence for elected officials and political parties. The role of public opinion in developing democracy reflects the central democratic principle of government by and for the people.


Q.5     What were the causes of formation of Pakistan National Alliance against the Bhutto government?    

Causes of Formation of Pakistan National Alliance against the Bhutto Government:

Economic Policies: The Bhutto government's economic policies, which included nationalization of industries and implementation of socialist reforms, were seen as a threat to the interests of the business community and private sector. This led to widespread opposition to the government and its policies.

Political Repression: The Bhutto government was accused of suppressing political dissent and opposition, through censorship, arrests, and other forms of repression. This further eroded support for the government and contributed to the formation of the Pakistan National Alliance.

Religious Issues: The Bhutto government's policies regarding religion and religious minorities were seen as controversial and divisive by many. This led to opposition from religious groups and leaders, who felt that the government was infringing on their rights and religious freedoms.

Corruption and Mismanagement: The Bhutto government was also criticized for corruption, mismanagement, and nepotism, which further eroded public support and contributed to the formation of the Pakistan National Alliance.

Electoral Fraud: The general elections of 1977 were widely seen as rigged and fraudulent, leading to widespread opposition and protests against the Bhutto government. The formation of the Pakistan National Alliance was a response to these protests, as opposition parties and groups sought to challenge the legitimacy of the Bhutto government.

In conclusion, the formation of the Pakistan National Alliance against the Bhutto government was a result of widespread opposition to the government's policies, political repression, religious issues, corruption and mismanagement, and electoral fraud. The alliance represented a coalition of opposition parties and groups that sought to challenge the Bhutto government and advance alternative policies and perspectives.

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