Saturday, June 10

BOOK-KEEPING & ACCOUNTANCY (311) - Spring 2023 - Assignment 1

Q.1.   Fill in the blank                                                                                           (20)

(i)       a.        When a transaction take place it is recorded same day in a book


            b.        The process of transfer of transaction from journal to ledger is called _______________

            c.        The main objective of any _______________ is to earn profit and expansion.

            d.        Purchase is of two types’ _______________ and _______________.

            e.        _____________ Discount is not written in the books of accounts.

(ii)      Choose the best Answer

a.      Sole proprietor has

(i)            Limited liability

(ii)          Unlimited liability

(iii)        Limited liability up to its investment

b.      Transaction means

(i)            Any deal among the businessman and outsiders

(ii)          Any impotent event that affect the business activities

(iii)        Any economic event that can be objectively measured in terms of money

c.       Which of the following is correct?

(i)            Capital = Asset + Liabilities

(ii)          Assets = Liabilities – Capital

(iii)        Liabilities = Capital + Assets

(iv)         Capital = Assets -  Liabilities

d.      The amount recorded on the left side of account is called:   Credit entry

(i)            Credit entry

(ii)          Debit entry

(iii)        None of the above

e.      Recording of transaction in the journal is called:

(i)            Posting

(ii)          Journalizing

(iii)        Tallying



a. When a transaction takes place, it is recorded the same day in a book called "Journal."

b. The process of transferring transactions from the journal to the ledger is called "Posting."

c. The main objective of any "business" is to earn profit and expansion.

d. Purchase is of two types: "Cash" and "Credit."

e. "Trade" Discount is not written in the books of accounts.



a. Sole proprietor has (ii) Unlimited liability.

b. Transaction means (iii) Any economic event that can be objectively measured in terms of money.

c. The following is correct: (i) Capital = Asset + Liabilities.

d. The amount recorded on the left side of the account is called: (ii) Debit entry.

e. Recording of transactions in the journal is called: (ii) Journalizing.


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Q.2.   Choose the appropriate term:        (20)

1.        Accounting

2.        Assets

3.        Balance sheet

4.        Business Transaction

5.        Creditors

6.        Debtors

7.        Journalizing

8.        Simple Journal Entry

9.        Posting       

10.      Compound Journal Entry

i.         …………………….Entering of a transaction in the book of original entry.

ii.        …………………….Entry only  one debit and one credit balances.

iii.       ……………………. Recording in the ledger the information contained in the journal.

iv.       …………………….Entry involving more than one debit and/or credit

v.        …………………….The art of recording, classifying, reporting and interpreting the financial data of an organization.

vi.       …………………….A property or economic resource owned by an individual or enterprise

vii.      …………………….An economic event that can be measure din terms of money

viii      …………………….A person or enterprise to who a debit is owed

ix.       …………………….A financial report showing the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity of an enterprise on a specific data

x.        …………………….A person or enterprise that owes a debt.


i. Journalizing - Entering of a transaction in the book of original entry.

ii. Simple Journal Entry - Entry with only one debit and one credit balance.

iii. Posting - Recording in the ledger the information contained in the journal.

iv. Compound Journal Entry - Entry involving more than one debit and/or credit.

v. Accounting - The art of recording, classifying, reporting, and interpreting the financial data of an organization.

vi. Assets - A property or economic resource owned by an individual or enterprise.

vii. Business Transaction - An economic event that can be measured in terms of money.

viii. Creditors - A person or enterprise to whom a debt is owed.

ix. Balance sheet - A financial report showing the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity of an enterprise on a specific date.

x. Debtors - A person or enterprise that owes a debt.


Q.3.   Define the following key terms:                                                      (10x2=20)                                          

i.         Define credit and cash transactions

ii.        Define accounting

iii.       Define Trial Balance

iv.       Define the Debit Note and Credit Note

v.        If total assets are Rs.1,000,000 and total liabilities Rs.370,000 find capital

vi.       What do you know about the Petty Cash Book?

vii.      What is owner’s equity? Give an equation for calculating owner’s equity

viii      Pass the journal entry: Mr. Ali’s Cheque Rs.75,000 deposited into bank

ix.       What do understand by contra entry?

x.        What is the purpose of bank reconciliation statement?



- Credit transactions: Credit transactions refer to transactions in which goods or services are received with the agreement to make payment at a later date. It represents an increase in liabilities or a decrease in assets for the recipient.

- Cash transactions: Cash transactions refer to transactions in which payment is made immediately in the form of physical currency, checks, or electronic transfers. It represents an exchange of cash for goods or services.


ii. Accounting: Accounting is the process of recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting, and communicating financial information about an organization's economic activities. It involves the systematic and organized recording of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements for decision-making, financial analysis, and reporting purposes.


iii. Trial Balance: A trial balance is a statement that lists the balances of all general ledger accounts of a company at a specific point in time. It is used to ensure the equality of debits and credits in the accounting system and serves as a preliminary step in the preparation of financial statements.


iv. Debit Note and Credit Note:

- Debit Note: A debit note is a document issued by a buyer to a seller indicating that the buyer is debiting the seller's account due to various reasons such as damaged goods, return of goods, or an adjustment in the purchase price.

- Credit Note: A credit note is a document issued by a seller to a buyer indicating that the seller is crediting the buyer's account due to various reasons such as overpayment, goods returned by the buyer, or a discount granted.


v. Capital: Capital refers to the owner's equity or the owner's investment in a business. It represents the owner's share of assets in the business. To calculate capital, the formula is:

Capital = Total Assets - Total Liabilities


vi. Petty Cash Book: Petty Cash Book is a subsidiary book used to record small cash transactions and expenses of relatively low value. It helps to track and control small cash expenditures such as stationery, postage, or miscellaneous expenses.


vii. Owner's Equity: Owner's equity, also known as proprietorship or net worth, represents the residual interest in the assets of a business after deducting liabilities. It reflects the owner's investment in the business and any accumulated profits. The equation for calculating owner's equity is:

Owner's Equity = Total Assets - Total Liabilities


viii. Journal Entry: The journal entry for Mr. Ali's cheque of Rs. 75,000 being deposited into the bank would be:

Debit: Bank Account (Rs. 75,000)

Credit: Mr. Ali's Account (Rs. 75,000)


ix. Contra Entry: A contra entry is an accounting entry that offsets or cancels out the effect of a previous entry in the accounting records. It is recorded when there is a simultaneous debit and credit entry for the same amount, canceling each other out.


x. Bank Reconciliation Statement: The purpose of the bank reconciliation statement is to compare and reconcile the balances of a company's cash book (recorded transactions) with the bank statement (bank's record of transactions). It helps identify any discrepancies, such as outstanding checks or deposits in transit, and ensures the accuracy of cash records.


Q.4.   Muhammad Ali informs you that the transactions occurred during May 2019, the first month of business operations.                       (20)

May 1           Asgher Ali transferred Rs.250,00 cash from a personal bank account and equipment with a value of Rs.40,000 to his business.

1.             A building costing Rs.390,000 and land costing Rs.200,000 were purchased.

2.             Peremium ofr property insurance wa paid in the amount of Rs.15,000 for May

3.             Supplies costing Rs.50,000 and equipment costing Rs.60,000 were purchased on account.

15.      Cash received for professional services performed. Rs.56,000

16.      Paid cash to creditors on account, Rs.18,000

20.      Returned portion of the supplies costing Rs.2,400 since they were not of the proper grade.

22.      Received Rs.18,800 cash from clients on account

31.      Paid utility bill Rs.5,000

31.      paid monthly salaries, Rs.30,000

            You are required to

a.        Prepare the General Journal

b.        Ledger Accounts

c.        Trial Balance


a. Prepare the General Journal:


Date              Description                                                      Debit                                             Credit


May 1           Cash (Asgher Ali's personal bank account)                     250,000

           Equipment                                                                                           40,000

           Asgher Ali's Capital Account                                                          290,000


May 1           Building                                                                                   390,000

           Land                                                                                                    200,000

           Cash                                                                                                    590,000


May 2           Prepaid Property Insurance                                                  15,000

           Cash                                                                                                       15,000


May 3           Supplies                                                                                     50,000

           Equipment                                                                                           60,000

           Accounts Payable                                                                             110,000


May 15        Cash                                                                                           56,000

           Accounts Receivable                                                                          56,000


May 16        Accounts Payable                                                                    18,000

           Cash                                                                                                       18,000


May 20        Accounts Payable                                                                      2,400

           Supplies                                                                                                  2,400


May 22        Cash                                                                                           18,800

           Accounts Receivable                                                                          18,800


May 31        Utilities Expense                                                                        5,000

           Cash                                                                                                         5,000


May 31        Salaries Expense                                                                      30,000

           Cash                                                                                                       30,000



b. Ledger Accounts:


1. Cash


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 1           250,000                                       250,000

May 15                                                              56,000                                 306,000

May 16                                                              18,000                                 288,000

May 22                                                              18,800                                 306,800

May 31                                                              5,000                                   301,800

May 31                                                              30,000                                 271,800


2. Equipment


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 1                                                                40,000                                   40,000

May 3                                                                60,000                                 100,000


3. Building


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 1                                                                390,000                              390,000


4. Land


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 1                                                                200,000                              200,000


5. Asgher Ali's Capital Account


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 1                                                                290,000                              290,000


6. Prepaid Property Insurance


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 2                                                                15,000                                   15,000


7. Supplies


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 3                                                                50,000                                   50,000

May 20                                                              2,400                                     47,600


8. Accounts Payable


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 3                                                                                                            110,000

May 16                                                              18,000                                   92,000

May 20                                                              2,400                                     89,600


9. Accounts Receivable


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 15                                                              56,000                                   56,000

May 22                                                                                                            18,800


10. Utilities Expense


Date             Debit                                             Credit                                  Balance


May 31                                                              5,000                                        5,000


11. Salaries Expense




           Debit            Credit                                Balance


May 31                                                              30,000                                   30,000



c. Trial Balance:


                                                                           Debit                                       Credit


Cash                                                                  271,800

Equipment                                                       100,000

Building                                                            390,000

Land                                                                  200,000

Prepaid Property Insurance                         15,000

Supplies                                                           47,600

Accounts Payable                                           89,600

Accounts Receivable                                     18,800

Utilities Expense                                             5,000

Salaries Expense                                            30,000

Asgher Ali's Capital Account                        290,000


Total                                                                 1,358,200                       1,358,200


Q.5.   Following are the credit purchase and sale transactions of a merchant for the month of February 2019; record these transactions in the purchase and sale journal.                                                                                                          (20)

Feb 02:         Purchase 200 yards of Latha from M. Aslam at Rs.400 per yard vide bill No 202 dated 1st of February.

Feb 15:         Purchased 400 yards of Silk at R.750 per yard from Mr. Iqbal, bill No. 1015, dated 10 February.

Feb 22:         Bought from Ijaz and Co, 20 blankets at an invoice price of Rs.2,500 each, Invoice No 32, dated 20 February.

Feb 25:         Sold 200 yards of Latha at Rs.750 per yard and 10 blankets at Rs.2,750 per blanket to Mr. Afzal vide bill no. 105.

Feb 27:         Sold 120 yards of silk at Rs.800 per yard to Mr. Alli on account and sent Bill No.109 for this amount.

Feb 28:         80 yards of cloth were sold to Mr. Amin and sent bill No.116 for Rs.32,000.


Purchase Journal:




Invoice No.





Feb 02

M. Aslam






Feb 15

Mr. Iqbal






Feb 22

Ijaz and Co










Sales Journal:




Invoice No.





Feb 25

Mr. Afzal






Feb 25

Mr. Afzal






Feb 27

Mr. Alli






Feb 28

Mr. Amin









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