Saturday, June 10

Functional English-II (221) - Spring 2023 - Assignment 1

Q.1.   In unit 1 you read the dialogue between Asmah and Bisma. Write down the name of the things they have and things that they need in the following columns.  


Things they have

Things they need






Things they have:




Mobile phones




Things they need:



School supplies


Kitchen appliances



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Q.2.   In Unit 1 you learnt about different nouns. Define the following and explain with examples.                                                                                                                  (10)

i.                     Proper nouns

ii.                   Common nous

iii.                 Collective nouns

iv.                 Countable nouns

v.                   Uncountable nouns


i. Proper nouns:

Proper nouns are used to refer to specific individuals, places, or things. They are capitalized in writing. Examples of proper nouns include names of people (e.g., John, Mary), names of places (e.g., London, Paris), names of organizations (e.g., Apple Inc., United Nations), and names of specific objects (e.g., Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal). Proper nouns help to distinguish specific entities from general categories.



- Proper noun: John went to Paris to visit the Eiffel Tower.

- Common noun: A man went to a city to visit a famous landmark.


ii. Common nouns:

Common nouns refer to general, non-specific people, places, things, or ideas. They are not capitalized unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence. Common nouns can represent a whole category or class of entities. Examples of common nouns include person (e.g., teacher, student), place (e.g., city, park), thing (e.g., table, book), and concept (e.g., love, happiness).



- Proper noun: Alice is a teacher at a school in New York.

- Common noun: A teacher works at a school in a city.


iii. Collective nouns:

Collective nouns are used to refer to a group or collection of people, animals, or things. They can represent a singular unit or entity, even though they refer to multiple individuals or objects. Examples of collective nouns include "team" (a group of players), "herd" (a group of cows), "family" (a group of relatives), and "flock" (a group of birds).



- Collective noun: The team won the championship.

- Individual noun: Each player contributed to the team's success.


iv. Countable nouns:

Countable nouns are objects or entities that can be counted as discrete units. They have both singular and plural forms, and we can use numbers or quantifiers (e.g., one, two, many) to quantify them. Examples of countable nouns include "book" (one book, two books), "chair" (one chair, five chairs), and "dog" (one dog, three dogs).



- Countable noun: I have two cats as pets.

- Uncountable noun: I have some milk in the refrigerator.


v. Uncountable nouns:

Uncountable nouns, also known as mass nouns, are substances, concepts, or entities that cannot be counted as separate units or discrete items. They usually represent things that are abstract or do not have a specific shape or form. Uncountable nouns are treated as singular and do not have a plural form. Examples of uncountable nouns include "water," "knowledge," "money," and "happiness."



- Uncountable noun: She has a lot of knowledge about different cultures.

- Countable noun: She has several books about different cultures.


Q.3.   In Unit 2 you read about suggestions. What suggestions will you give to the following people in problem. Give at least 2 suggestions each.                        (20)

i.                     A boy who has failed in matric exams.

ii.                   A girls who lost her jewelry.

iii.                 A man who does not have a job.

iv.                 A senior citizen who smokes 10 cigarettes in a day.

v.                   A person who is sad.


i. A boy who has failed in matric exams:

1. Evaluate and Reflect: Encourage the boy to reflect on his study habits and identify areas where he may need improvement. Suggest analyzing his exam performance, identifying weak subjects or topics, and seeking help from teachers or tutors to better understand the material.

2. Create a Study Plan: Help the boy develop a structured study plan to better organize his time and resources. Encourage him to set specific goals, break down the subjects into manageable sections, and allocate dedicated study hours. Emphasize the importance of consistent effort and seeking clarification whenever needed.


ii. A girl who lost her jewelry:

1. Report to Authorities: Advise the girl to report the loss of her jewelry to the police or relevant authorities. Provide necessary details such as the description of the jewelry, the time and place it was lost, and any other relevant information that may assist in its recovery.

2. Inform Local Jewelers and Pawn Shops: Suggest the girl visit local jewelers, pawn shops, or secondhand stores to inform them about the lost jewelry. They can keep an eye out for any potential attempts to sell or pawn it. Additionally, provide photographs and descriptions of the jewelry to aid in identification.


iii. A man who does not have a job:

1. Update Resume and Apply: Encourage the man to update his resume or CV, highlighting his skills, qualifications, and work experience. Assist him in exploring job portals, online platforms, or newspaper advertisements to find suitable job openings. Encourage him to submit applications and follow up with potential employers.

2. Networking and Volunteering: Suggest that the man engage in networking activities by attending job fairs, industry events, or professional meetups. Building connections with people in his desired field can lead to potential job opportunities. Additionally, recommend volunteering or taking up internships to gain experience, expand his network, and enhance his resume.


iv. A senior citizen who smokes 10 cigarettes a day:

1. Seek Professional Help: Encourage the senior citizen to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or a counselor, who can provide guidance and support in quitting smoking. They can recommend appropriate smoking cessation programs, medications, or therapies tailored to the individual's needs.

2. Explore Support Groups: Suggest joining support groups or smoking cessation programs specifically designed for seniors. Being surrounded by people who understand their struggles can provide motivation and a sense of community during the quitting process. These groups often offer resources, counseling, and strategies to overcome nicotine addiction.


v. A person who is sad:

1. Reach Out for Support: Encourage the person to reach out to trusted friends, family members, or a mental health professional to talk about their feelings. Sometimes, expressing emotions and receiving support can provide relief and a different perspective on their situation.

2. Engage in Positive Activities: Suggest engaging in activities that promote well-being and happiness, such as exercise, hobbies, or creative outlets. These activities can help distract from negative thoughts and boost mood. Encourage them to seek joy in simple things and take care of their physical and mental health through self-care practices like meditation or journaling.


Q.4.       Read Unit 1, page 11, 12. Fill in the blanks using “few” or “little”.                    (10)   


1.                      There is …………………. money in the wallet.

2.                      I’ve got a ……………books.

3.                      My father has got a ……………. cigarettes in the packet.

4.                      I can’t wait for you. I’ve got ……………time.

5.                      Sidra has got a ……………. English books.

6.                      Hooria has got a ……………. friends.

7.                      There is…………. batter left. We need to buy same.

8.                      There are…………. people at the cinema as the film is not very good.

9.                      I have got………. magazines. I prefer books.

10.                  There is a………. pizza in the fridge if you are hungry. 


1. There is little money in the wallet.

2. I've got a few books.

3. My father has got a few cigarettes in the packet.

4. I can't wait for you. I've got little time.

5. Sidra has got a few English books.

6. Hooria has got a few friends.

7. There is little batter left. We need to buy some.

8. There are few people at the cinema as the film is not very good.

9. I have got few magazines. I prefer books.

10. There is a little pizza in the fridge if you are hungry.


Q.5.   In Unit 3 you learnt about requests. What request will you make to these   people?     (20)


i.                        A receptionist in a hotel

ii.                      Your uncle

iii.                    Your boss at the office

iv.                    The hawker who provides newspapers to you

v.                      The lady sitting at the desk at the doctor’s clinic

vi.                    A stranger on the road

vii.                   Your parents

viii.                 A librarian

ix.                     Your best friend

x.                      Your younger brother


i. A receptionist in a hotel:

"Could you please provide me with an extra towel for my room?"


ii. Your uncle:

"Uncle, would it be possible for you to lend me some money for an emergency situation?"


iii. Your boss at the office:

"Would it be alright if I take a day off next week for a personal appointment?"


iv. The hawker who provides newspapers to you:

"Could you please bring me the latest edition of the newspaper tomorrow morning?"


v. The lady sitting at the desk at the doctor's clinic:

"Excuse me, could you please let me know when my turn comes up?"


vi. A stranger on the road:

"Excuse me, could you please help me with directions to the nearest bus stop?"


vii. Your parents:

"Mom and Dad, could you please allow me to go out with my friends this weekend?"


viii. A librarian:

"Could you please assist me in finding a book on the topic of environmental sustainability?"


ix. Your best friend:

"Hey, can you please lend me your laptop for a couple of hours? Mine is not working properly."


x. Your younger brother:

"Hey, would you mind helping me with my homework? I'm finding it difficult to understand a few questions."


Q.6.       Read Unit 3, about the sentences showing cause and effect. Now write five different pairs of sentences similar to the one given in the example. Use words such as therefore, so, because follow the given example.                                               (20)


For example: “it was terrible hot, so I couldn’t go out”. Effect

                             “I couldn’t go out because it was terrible hot”. Cause

1. Cause: "She missed her flight because her alarm didn't go off."

   Effect: "Her alarm didn't go off, so she missed her flight."


2. Cause: "He studied diligently, therefore he aced the exam."

   Effect: "He aced the exam because he studied diligently."


3. Cause: "They were running late, so they decided to take a taxi."

   Effect: "They decided to take a taxi because they were running late."


4. Cause: "The restaurant was full, therefore they had to wait for a table."

   Effect: "They had to wait for a table because the restaurant was full."


5. Cause: "He forgot to charge his phone, so it died during the trip."

   Effect: "His phone died during the trip because he forgot to charge it."


Q7.        In Unit 3 you read about Saeed's problem. Keeping that in mind answer the following questions:                                                                                                          (10)


i.                     Why is Saeed not happy with the environment around his house?

ii.                   How is the cinema responsible for creating pollution in the area?

iii.                 How is noise harmful for people?

iv.                 Why do you think the smoke emitting from the factory is harmful for people's health?

v.                   How can he solve his problem?


i. Saeed is not happy with the environment around his house because there is excessive noise and pollution in the area. These factors can negatively impact the quality of life, causing discomfort, health issues, and a general sense of dissatisfaction.


ii. The cinema is responsible for creating pollution in the area due to factors like traffic congestion, increased vehicular emissions, and noise pollution. The influx of moviegoers and the associated transportation contribute to air pollution and disturbances in the neighborhood.


iii. Noise can be harmful to people in various ways. Prolonged exposure to high levels of noise can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, hearing loss, impaired concentration, and even cardiovascular problems. It can negatively impact mental and physical well-being, making it difficult to relax or carry out daily activities peacefully.


iv. The smoke emitting from the factory is harmful to people's health because it contains pollutants and toxic substances. Inhaling such pollutants can lead to respiratory issues, aggravate existing respiratory conditions, and cause irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat. Prolonged exposure to industrial smoke can have severe health consequences and increase the risk of respiratory diseases and other illnesses.


v. To solve his problem, Saeed can take several steps:

- Engage in community activism and raise awareness about the negative impacts of pollution and noise on the environment and public health.

- Collaborate with local authorities and environmental organizations to enforce regulations and implement measures to reduce pollution and noise levels in the area.

- Encourage the cinema and nearby businesses to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as using soundproofing techniques, minimizing emissions, and promoting sustainable transportation options for customers.

- Participate in neighborhood clean-up initiatives and promote green spaces to improve the overall environment.

- Advocate for the establishment of zoning regulations that separate industrial areas from residential areas, ensuring a healthier living environment for residents.


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