Monday, July 3

Audiology & Audiometry (683) - Spring 2023 - Assignment 1

Audiology & Audiometry (683)

Q.1      Suggest health care provisions which may reduce the effects of progressive hearing impairment in your own community.


            Title: Health Care Provisions to Reduce the Effects of Progressive Hearing Impairment in Our Community


Progressive hearing impairment is a significant health concern that affects a large number of individuals in communities worldwide. As a progressive condition, hearing loss can have a profound impact on an individual's quality of life, communication abilities, and overall well-being. To address this issue, it is crucial to implement health care provisions that not only detect and diagnose hearing impairment at an early stage but also provide effective interventions and support systems to mitigate its effects. In this article, we will explore a range of health care provisions that can be implemented in our own community to reduce the effects of progressive hearing impairment.

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1. Public Awareness and Education:

The first step towards addressing progressive hearing impairment is raising public awareness about the condition, its causes, prevention, and available treatments. This can be achieved through community-based initiatives, public health campaigns, and educational programs in schools, workplaces, and healthcare facilities. By promoting knowledge and understanding, individuals are more likely to seek early intervention, adopt preventive measures, and support those with hearing loss.

2. Routine Hearing Screening:

Regular hearing screening programs should be implemented in schools, workplaces, and primary healthcare settings. These screenings can help identify individuals with early signs of hearing impairment and enable timely interventions. By integrating hearing screenings into routine healthcare protocols, the detection and treatment of hearing loss can be significantly improved.

3. Accessible and Affordable Hearing Healthcare:

Accessibility to hearing healthcare services is crucial for individuals with progressive hearing impairment. It is essential to ensure that hearing tests, hearing aids, and other assistive devices are readily available and affordable. Collaborations between public and private sectors, health insurance providers, and non-profit organizations can help bridge the gap between cost and accessibility, making hearing healthcare more inclusive.

4. Rehabilitation and Support Services:

Comprehensive rehabilitation services should be provided to individuals with progressive hearing impairment. Audiologists and speech-language pathologists play a crucial role in developing personalized rehabilitation plans, including auditory training, speech therapy, and counseling. Additionally, support groups and community organizations can provide emotional support, education, and resources to individuals and their families, helping them navigate the challenges associated with hearing loss.

5. Workplace Accommodations:

Employers should be encouraged to provide accommodations for employees with progressive hearing impairment. This may include installing hearing loops in meeting rooms, ensuring optimal acoustic environments, and implementing communication strategies to facilitate effective workplace interactions. By creating an inclusive work environment, individuals with hearing loss can fully participate and thrive in their professional lives.

6. Technological Advancements:

Advancements in technology have revolutionized the management of hearing impairment. Community health care provisions should embrace the use of innovative solutions such as teleaudiology, mobile applications, and remote programming for hearing aids. These technologies can improve access to hearing healthcare, facilitate remote consultations, and enhance personalized interventions, particularly in areas where specialized services are limited.

7. Legislative Support and Policy Changes:

Community advocacy efforts should be directed towards influencing policymakers to recognize the importance of addressing progressive hearing impairment. This can lead to the formulation of policies that support early intervention, affordable hearing healthcare, and workplace accommodations. Additionally, regulations mandating the inclusion of hearing healthcare in public health programs and insurance coverage can significantly benefit individuals with hearing loss.

8. Research and Development:

Continuous research and development efforts are essential for advancing the field of hearing healthcare. This includes research into new diagnostic techniques, innovative treatment options, and improved assistive devices. Collaborations between academic institutions, healthcare providers, and industry stakeholders can facilitate the translation of research findings into practical solutions, ensuring that our community benefits from the latest advancements.


By implementing these health care provisions, our community can effectively reduce the effects of progressive hearing impairment. Public awareness, routine screenings, accessible hearing healthcare, rehabilitation services, workplace accommodations, technological advancements,

 legislative support, and research and development efforts collectively contribute to a comprehensive approach to addressing hearing loss. By prioritizing early detection, intervention, and support, we can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with progressive hearing impairment and foster a more inclusive and supportive community for all.      

Q.2      Write a detailed note on the difference between free-filed testing and closed- circuit testing.                     


Title: Understanding the Difference between Free-Field Testing and Closed-Circuit Testing


Free-field testing and closed-circuit testing are two commonly used methods in audiology and hearing science to evaluate hearing thresholds and assess hearing ability. Both techniques provide valuable insights into an individual's auditory function, but they differ in terms of testing environment, stimulus delivery, and applications. In this article, we will delve into the details of free-field testing and closed-circuit testing, exploring their differences, advantages, and applications.

1. Free-Field Testing:

Free-field testing refers to a method of assessing hearing thresholds in a sound field environment, where sound stimuli are presented through loudspeakers or speakers positioned in an open space. Here are some key characteristics and considerations of free-field testing:

Testing Environment: Free-field testing requires a dedicated, sound-treated room or an anechoic chamber to minimize sound reflections and ambient noise. The environment closely replicates real-world listening conditions.

Stimulus Delivery: Sound stimuli are presented from loudspeakers or speakers placed at specific locations within the free-field environment. The speakers emit sound waves that travel directly to the subject without significant reflection or interference.


a) Ecological Validity: Free-field testing provides a more realistic representation of everyday listening situations, allowing for a closer approximation of real-world auditory experiences.

b) Spatial Localization: This method enables accurate assessment of an individual's ability to localize sounds in space, as the stimuli can be presented from different speaker locations.

c) Hearing Aid Fitting: Free-field testing can be useful for verifying and fine-tuning hearing aid fittings, as it mimics real-life listening scenarios.


a) Pediatric Audiology: Free-field testing is commonly employed in pediatric audiology, as it allows for testing in a more natural and engaging manner, which is particularly important for young children who may struggle with traditional headphone-based assessments.

b) Spatial Hearing Evaluation: This method is used to assess spatial hearing abilities, such as sound localization, sound lateralization, and binaural integration.

2. Closed-Circuit Testing:

Closed-circuit testing, also known as earphone or insert earphone testing, involves the use of earphones or insert earphones to deliver sound stimuli directly into the ear canal. The method creates a controlled and isolated listening environment. Here are the key characteristics and considerations of closed-circuit testing:

Testing Environment: Closed-circuit testing can be performed in a quiet room without the need for a specialized sound-treated environment. The focus is on reducing ambient noise and controlling external factors that may interfere with the test results.

Stimulus Delivery: Sound stimuli are delivered through earphones or insert earphones that are placed in the ear canal. This ensures a direct transmission of sound to the ear, bypassing any external sound reflections.


a) Precise Calibration: Closed-circuit testing allows for precise calibration of the sound stimuli, ensuring accurate and consistent presentation levels.

b) Noise Isolation: This method minimizes the influence of external noise, resulting in improved test reliability and validity.

c) Audiometric Testing: Closed-circuit testing is commonly used in standard pure-tone audiometry and other diagnostic tests to assess hearing thresholds across different frequencies.


a) Diagnostic Audiometry: Closed-circuit testing is the standard method for determining an individual's hearing thresholds across various frequencies, helping diagnose hearing disorders and determine the degree and configuration of hearing loss.

b) Occupational Hearing Screening: This method is widely used in occupational settings to assess workers' hearing ability and monitor their exposure to potentially damaging noise levels.

c) Research and Clinical Studies: Closed-circuit testing provides a controlled environment for research studies and clinical trials, allowing for precise measurement of hearing thresholds and evaluation of treatment interventions.


Free-field testing and closed-circuit testing are valuable techniques in aud

iology and hearing science, each with its unique characteristics and applications. Free-field testing provides a more ecologically valid assessment of hearing ability, focusing on real-world listening conditions and spatial hearing evaluation. On the other hand, closed-circuit testing offers controlled and precise measurements, making it ideal for diagnostic audiometry and research purposes. Understanding the differences between these two methods enables healthcare professionals to select the most appropriate testing approach based on the specific needs and objectives of the assessment.

Q.3      a)         Describe the difference between linguistics properties and acoustic properties of speech?       

            b)        What is the difference between Speech Reference Level and Speech Reception Threshold? 

            a) Linguistic properties and acoustic properties of speech are two distinct aspects of speech production and perception.


Linguistic properties refer to the characteristics and structures of language that are used to convey meaning. These properties include phonemes, which are the smallest units of sound in a language, as well as phonological rules and patterns governing the organization of sounds. Linguistic properties also encompass syntax (the arrangement of words and phrases), semantics (the meaning of words and sentences), and pragmatics (the use of language in different contexts).

Acoustic properties, on the other hand, pertain to the physical properties of sound waves produced during speech. Sound is a vibration that travels through a medium, such as air, and is characterized by various acoustic properties, including frequency, amplitude, and duration. Frequency refers to the pitch of a sound, amplitude relates to its loudness, and duration represents the length of the sound. These properties of sound waves are measured and analyzed using tools such as spectrograms, which provide a visual representation of the acoustic properties of speech.

In summary, linguistic properties are concerned with the symbolic and structural aspects of language, whereas acoustic properties focus on the physical characteristics of the sound waves produced during speech.

b) Speech Reference Level (SRL) and Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) are terms used in the field of audiology to describe different aspects of speech perception.

Speech Reference Level (SRL) is a standardized measure used to describe the average level at which speech is presented during hearing tests. It serves as a reference point against which individual hearing thresholds are compared. The SRL is typically set at a comfortable listening level for individuals with normal hearing. It allows audiologists to determine the extent to which a person's hearing thresholds deviate from the reference level, providing valuable information about their hearing abilities.

Speech Reception Threshold (SRT), on the other hand, refers to the minimum level at which an individual can detect and recognize speech accurately. It is determined by presenting speech stimuli at various intensity levels and measuring the lowest level at which the person can understand and repeat the words or sentences correctly. The SRT is often used to assess the severity of hearing loss and to set appropriate amplification levels for hearing aids.

In essence, the main difference between SRL and SRT lies in their purpose and measurement. SRL is a fixed reference level used for comparison, while SRT is a variable threshold that indicates the minimum speech intensity required for accurate recognition. SRL helps establish a baseline for evaluating hearing thresholds, while SRT provides insight into an individual's ability to understand speech at different intensity levels.

In conclusion, Speech Reference Level (SRL) and Speech Reception Threshold (SRT) are distinct concepts in audiology. SRL serves as a reference point for comparing individual hearing thresholds, while SRT determines the minimum speech intensity required for accurate recognition. Understanding these differences is crucial in assessing and addressing individuals' hearing abilities and needs.

Q.4      Which type and degree of deafness is caused by chronic otitis media in children and adults?                     

Chronic otitis media, an inflammation or infection of the middle ear that persists for an extended period, can lead to various types and degrees of hearing loss in both children and adults. The specific type and degree of deafness caused by chronic otitis media depend on several factors, including the severity and duration of the infection, the anatomical structures affected, and individual variations.

1. Conductive Hearing Loss:

Chronic otitis media primarily affects the middle ear, where the infection causes the buildup of fluid and/or pus. This fluid accumulation can impair the movement of the middle ear bones (ossicles), which are responsible for transmitting sound vibrations from the outer ear to the inner ear. Consequently, the primary type of hearing loss associated with chronic otitis media is conductive hearing loss. Conductive hearing loss occurs when sound is not efficiently conducted through the outer or middle ear.

The degree of conductive hearing loss caused by chronic otitis media can vary. In some cases, the hearing loss may be mild, resulting in a slight reduction in the ability to hear certain sounds. In more severe cases, the conductive hearing loss can be moderate or even profound, significantly impacting the individual's ability to understand speech and other sounds.

2. Sensorineural Hearing Loss:

While chronic otitis media primarily affects the middle ear, it can also lead to sensorineural hearing loss in some cases. Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when there is damage or dysfunction in the inner ear (cochlea) or the auditory nerve pathways. Chronic otitis media can cause inner ear damage through several mechanisms:

a) Inflammatory Damage: The chronic inflammation in the middle ear can extend to the inner ear, resulting in inflammation and damage to the delicate sensory hair cells within the cochlea. These hair cells are responsible for converting sound vibrations into electrical signals that are sent to the brain for processing. Inflammatory damage to the hair cells can lead to permanent sensorineural hearing loss.

b) Ototoxicity: In rare cases, chronic otitis media may be accompanied by the use of ototoxic medications, which can have harmful effects on the inner ear structures. The ototoxic medications can damage the hair cells, leading to sensorineural hearing loss.

The degree of sensorineural hearing loss caused by chronic otitis media can also vary. It can range from mild to profound, depending on the extent and severity of the inner ear damage.

It is important to note that in many cases of chronic otitis media, the hearing loss is primarily conductive, but there can be a mixed hearing loss that involves both conductive and sensorineural components. This occurs when there is both middle ear pathology (conductive component) and inner ear damage (sensorineural component) present simultaneously.

In summary, chronic otitis media can cause both conductive hearing loss and, in some cases, sensorineural hearing loss. The type and degree of deafness depend on the extent and severity of the infection, the anatomical structures affected, and individual variations. Conductive hearing loss is the primary consequence of chronic otitis media, while sensorineural hearing loss can occur as a result of inner ear damage caused by inflammation or ototoxic medications. Understanding the potential effects of chronic otitis media on hearing is crucial for timely diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and management of hearing loss in children and adults.

Q.5      Write a detailed note on some technical provision for improving signal-noise ratio             in classrooms.       




Improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in classrooms is essential for effective communication and learning. A high SNR ensures that the desired speech signal is clear and easily distinguishable from background noise. Here are some technical provisions that can be implemented to enhance the SNR in classrooms:

1. Sound Reinforcement Systems:

Installing sound reinforcement systems can significantly improve the SNR in classrooms. These systems consist of microphones, amplifiers, and speakers strategically placed throughout the room. The teacher wears a wireless microphone, which captures their voice and transmits it to the speakers. The amplified sound ensures that students can hear the teacher clearly, even from a distance, reducing the impact of background noise.

2. Acoustic Treatment:

Applying acoustic treatments to classrooms can help reduce reverberation and improve the clarity of speech. Reverberation occurs when sound reflects off hard surfaces, causing overlapping echoes and reducing speech intelligibility. Adding materials such as acoustic panels, diffusers, and absorbers to walls, ceilings, and floors can minimize reverberation and enhance the SNR by reducing the impact of reflected sound.

3. Noise Control:

Addressing and controlling sources of noise within the classroom environment is crucial for improving the SNR. Consider the following measures

   b) Doors and Windows: Install seals and weather stripping on doors and windows to minimize external noise intrusion. Double-glazed windows can provide additional insulation against outdoor noise.

c) Background Noise: Minimize the use of noisy equipment or devices within the classroom. Provide guidelines to teachers and students on reducing unnecessary noise, such as closing doors gently, using soft-close drawers, and avoiding unnecessary movement during instruction.

4. Classroom Layout and Design:

The layout and design of the classroom can impact the SNR. Consider the following design elements:

a) Seating Arrangement: Arrange desks and chairs in a way that maximizes the direct line of sight between the teacher and students. This allows students to better see and hear the teacher, reducing the reliance on sound amplification.

b) Reflection Points: Identify and minimize reflection points where sound waves bounce off surfaces and cause interference. For example, arrange desks to avoid parallel walls that may create strong reflections.

c) Teacher Positioning: Encourage teachers to position themselves strategically, facing the students and away from potential noise sources. This helps to direct the speech signal towards the students and minimize the impact of background noise.

5. Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs):

ALDs can be used to enhance the SNR for students with hearing impairments or in situations where the SNR needs further improvement. ALDs consist of wireless systems that transmit the teacher's voice directly to students' personal devices, such as hearing aids or dedicated receivers. This technology ensures that students receive the teacher's voice with improved clarity and reduced background noise.

6. Regular Maintenance and Testing:

Implementing a maintenance plan is essential to ensure the optimal functioning of sound reinforcement systems, acoustic treatments, and other equipment. Regularly test and calibrate the equipment to identify and address any issues promptly. This helps maintain a high SNR and ensures that the provisions put in place continue to be effective.


In conclusion, improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in classrooms is crucial for effective communication and learning. By implementing sound reinforcement systems, acoustic treatments, noise control measures, optimizing classroom layout, and using assistive listening devices, the SNR can be significantly enhanced. Additionally, regular maintenance and testing of the implemented provisions are important to ensure their continued effectiveness. By creating an environment with a high SNR, students can better focus on the teacher's voice, leading to improved comprehension and overall learning outcomes.

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