Friday, July 7

Basic Econometrics (807) - Spring - 2023 Assignments 1

Basic Econometrics (807)

Q.1      Explain the concept of Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE). Prove that Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimates are BLUE both in mathematical and matrix form.   

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The concept of Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) is an important concept in statistics, particularly in the field of econometrics. BLUE refers to a property that an estimator can possess, where it is both linear and unbiased while having the smallest variance among all other linear and unbiased estimators.

To understand BLUE, let's first define the terms used in the concept:

- Estimator: An estimator is a rule or formula used to estimate an unknown parameter based on observed data.

- Linear Estimator: A linear estimator is one that can be expressed as a linear combination of the observed data.

- Unbiased Estimator: An unbiased estimator is one that, on average, gives an estimate that is equal to the true value of the parameter being estimated.

- Variance: Variance measures the dispersion or spread of a random variable. In the context of estimators, it represents the precision or reliability of the estimates.

Now, let's prove that the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates are BLUE both in mathematical and matrix form.

Mathematical Formulation:


Consider a linear regression model with the following equation:

Y = Xβ + ε

where Y is the dependent variable, X is a matrix of independent variables, β is the vector of unknown coefficients, and ε is the error term.

The OLS estimator is obtained by minimizing the sum of squared errors:

minimize Σ(Yi - Xiβ)^2

The OLS estimator can be expressed as:

β_hat = (X'X)^(-1)X'Y

To prove that OLS estimates are BLUE, we need to show that they are linear, unbiased, and have the smallest variance among all other linear and unbiased estimators.

1. Linearity:

OLS estimates are linear because they can be expressed as a linear combination of the observed data. The estimator β_hat is a linear function of Y and X.

2. Unbiasedness:

To prove that OLS estimates are unbiased, we need to show that E(β_hat) = β, where E() denotes the expectation operator.

E(β_hat) = E[(X'X)^(-1)X'Y]

          = E[(X'X)^(-1)X'(Xβ + ε)]   [substituting Y = Xβ + ε]

          = E[(X'X)^(-1)X'Xβ + (X'X)^(-1)X'ε]

          = E[β + (X'X)^(-1)X'ε]

          = β + (X'X)^(-1)X'E(ε)

          = β                 [since E(ε) = 0]

Therefore, OLS estimates are unbiased.


3. Minimum Variance:

To prove that OLS estimates have the minimum variance among all linear and unbiased estimators, we need to compare their variances with other estimators.

Consider any other linear and unbiased estimator γ_hat of β. We can express γ_hat as:

γ_hat = aY + b

where a and b are constants.

The variance of γ_hat can be expressed as:


Var(γ_hat) = Var(aY + b)

           = a^2Var(Y)

Since we assume that γ_hat is unbiased, E(γ_hat) = β. Thus, we have:

aE(Y) + b = β

Solving for b, we get:

b = β - aE(Y)

The variance of γ_hat can now be written as:

Var(γ_hat) = a^2Var(Y)

           = a^2[E(Y^2) - E(Y)^2]

Now, we can compare the variance of γ_hat with the variance of the OLS estimator β_hat.

Var(β_hat) = Var[(X'X)^(-1)X'Y]

           = (X'X)^(-1)X'Var(Y)X(X'X)^(-1)

           = σ^2(X'X)^(-1)

where σ^2 is the variance of the error term ε.

To prove that OLS estimates have the minimum variance, we need to show that Var(β_hat) ≤ Var(γ_hat) for any other linear and unbiased estimator γ_hat.

Substituting the expression for γ_hat's variance, we have:

Var(β_hat) ≤ Var(γ_hat)

σ^2(X'X)^(-1) ≤ a^2[E(Y^2) - E(Y)^2]

To establish the minimum variance property, we need to show that σ^2(X'X)^(-1) ≤ a^2[E(Y^2) - E(Y)^2] holds for all possible values of a.

This condition is satisfied when a = 1/σ^2, as it minimizes the right-hand side of the inequality. Therefore, we can conclude that:

Var(β_hat) ≤ Var(γ_hat)

This proves that OLS estimates have the smallest variance among all other linear and unbiased estimators, making them BLUE.

Matrix Formulation:


The matrix formulation of OLS allows for a concise representation of the estimators and the proof of their BLUE properties.

Consider the linear regression model in matrix form:

Y = Xβ + ε

where Y is an n x 1 vector of observations, X is an n x k matrix of independent variables, β is a k x 1 vector of unknown coefficients, and ε is an n x 1 vector of errors.

The OLS estimator can be expressed as:

β_hat = (X'X)^(-1)X'Y

To prove that OLS estimates are BLUE, we need to show that they are linear, unbiased, and have the smallest variance among all other linear and unbiased estimators.

1. Linearity:

OLS estimates are linear because they can be expressed as a linear combination of the observed data. The estimator β_hat is a linear function of Y and X.

2. Unbiasedness:

To prove that OLS estimates are unbiased, we need to show that E(β_hat) = β, where E() denotes the expectation operator.

E(β_hat) = E[(X'X)^(-1)X'Y]

          = E[(X'X)^(-1)X'(Xβ + ε)]   [substituting Y = Xβ + ε]

          = E[β + (X'X)^(-1)X'ε]

          = β                 [since E(ε) = 0]


Therefore, OLS estimates are unbiased.

3. Minimum Variance:

To prove that OLS estimates have the minimum variance among all linear and unbiased estimators, we can use the Gauss-Markov theorem.

The Gauss-Markov theorem states that under the assumptions of the classical linear regression model (CLRM), OLS estimates have the minimum variance among all linear and unbiased estimators.

The assumptions of the CLRM include linearity, strict exogeneity, no perfect multicollinearity, and homoscedasticity.

Under these assumptions, the OLS estimator β_hat is the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) of the coefficients β.

In conclusion, the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates are Best Linear Unbiased Estimators (BLUE) both in mathematical and matrix form. The OLS estimators are linear, unbiased, and have the smallest variance among all other linear and unbiased estimators. This property makes OLS a widely used and reliable estimation method in statistical analysis and econometrics.

Q.2      What are properties of error term in a simple regression model? What assumption is made about probability distribution of error term? (20)

In a simple regression model, which is a basic form of linear regression, the error term plays a crucial role. The error term represents the unobserved factors that affect the dependent variable but are not captured by the independent variable(s). Here, we will discuss the properties of the error term and the assumption made about its probability distribution.

Properties of the Error Term:


1. Zero Mean: The error term has a zero mean, E(ε) = 0. This means that, on average, the error term does not introduce any systematic bias in the model. The positive and negative errors cancel each other out, and the model is unbiased.


2. Constant Variance (Homoscedasticity): The error term has a constant variance, Var(ε) = σ^2. This assumption implies that the spread or dispersion of the errors is consistent across all values of the independent variable(s). Homoscedasticity is important for obtaining efficient and unbiased estimators.

3. Independence: The error term is independent of the independent variable(s) and any other error terms. This assumption implies that the error term for one observation does not affect the error term for another observation. Independence ensures that the errors are not correlated or systematically related to each other.

4. Normality: The error term follows a normal distribution, ε ~ N(0, σ^2). This assumption is crucial for statistical inference and hypothesis testing. It allows us to apply various statistical techniques that rely on the assumption of normality, such as constructing confidence intervals, conducting t-tests, and performing hypothesis tests.

Assumption about the Probability Distribution of the Error Term:


The assumption made about the probability distribution of the error term in a simple regression model is that it follows a normal distribution. This assumption is also known as the Normality assumption or the assumption of Normally Distributed Errors.

The assumption of normality is essential for several reasons:

1. Least Squares Estimation: The ordinary least squares (OLS) method, which is commonly used to estimate the coefficients in a simple regression model, relies on the assumption of normally distributed errors. OLS estimators are known to be efficient and have desirable properties when the errors are normally distributed.

2. Hypothesis Testing: Many statistical tests, such as t-tests and F-tests, are based on the assumption of normality. These tests allow us to make inferences about the significance of the estimated coefficients and the overall fit of the model. Violations of the normality assumption may affect the validity of these tests.

3. Confidence Intervals: Constructing confidence intervals around the estimated coefficients also relies on the assumption of normality. Normality allows us to make probabilistic statements about the range within which the true population coefficients are likely to lie.

4. Model Interpretation: When the errors are normally distributed, the coefficient estimates have an intuitive interpretation. They represent the expected change in the dependent variable for a one-unit change in the independent variable(s), assuming all other factors are held constant.

It is important to note that while the assumption of normality is commonly made for simplicity and tractability, it may not always hold in practice. In such cases, alternative estimation techniques or robust regression methods can be employed to handle violations of the normality assumption.

In summary, the error term in a simple regression model is assumed to have certain properties, including zero mean, constant variance (homoscedasticity), independence, and normality. The assumption of normality is crucial for valid inference, estimation, hypothesis testing, and interpreting the results of the regression model.

Q.3      Let Ŷ = X(XʹX)-1 XʹY. Find the OLS coefficient from a regression of Ŷ on X.    (20)

To find the OLS coefficient from a regression of Ŷ on X, we first need to define the variables and understand the notation used.


- Ŷ: The predicted or estimated values of the dependent variable.

- X: The matrix of independent variables.

- Y: The vector of observed values of the dependent variable.


- Xʹ: The transpose of the matrix X.

- (XʹX)^(-1): The inverse of the matrix XʹX.

Given the formula for Ŷ, we can express it as:

Ŷ = X(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY

In the context of OLS regression, we typically have a dependent variable Y and a matrix of independent variables X. The goal is to estimate the coefficients β that minimize the sum of squared differences between the observed Y and the predicted values Ŷ.

To find the OLS coefficient from a regression of Ŷ on X, we can treat Ŷ as the new dependent variable and X as the independent variable. We can then apply the OLS estimation procedure to obtain the coefficients.

Let's denote the OLS coefficient from this regression as β̂'.

The OLS estimator β̂' is obtained by minimizing the sum of squared differences between Ŷ and the observed values of Ŷ, which is equivalent to minimizing the sum of squared errors. Mathematically, it can be expressed as:

β̂' = argmin(Σ(Ŷi - Ŷ)^2)

To find the minimum of this expression, we can take the derivative with respect to β̂' and set it equal to zero:

d/dβ̂' (Σ(Ŷi - Ŷ)^2) = 0

Expanding the expression and simplifying, we have:

d/dβ̂' (Σ(Yi - X(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY)^2) = 0

Using the properties of the derivative and matrix algebra, we can further simplify the expression:

-2XʹY + 2XʹX(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY = 0

Simplifying and rearranging terms, we get:


XʹX(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY = XʹY

Multiplying both sides by (XʹX)^(-1), we obtain:

(XʹX)^(-1)XʹX(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY = (XʹX)^(-1)XʹY

Simplifying the left-hand side, we have:

(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY = β̂'

Thus, we find that the OLS coefficient from a regression of Ŷ on X is equal to β̂', which is the same as the OLS coefficient obtained from the original regression of Y on X.

In summary, when we regress Ŷ on X using the formula Ŷ = X(XʹX)^(-1)XʹY, the OLS coefficient obtained from this regression is the same as the OLS coefficient obtained from the original regression of Y on X. This property holds because both regressions are based on the same underlying linear model and use the same OLS estimation procedure to obtain the coefficient estimates.

Q.4      Explain hypothesis. What is meaning of “accepting” or “rejecting” hypothesis?     (20)

In statistics, a hypothesis is a statement or claim about a population or a phenomenon that we seek to investigate or test using data. It is a tentative proposition or assumption that can be either true or false. Hypotheses are essential for the scientific method and the process of making inferences and drawing conclusions based on data analysis.

There are two types of hypotheses commonly used in statistical inference:

1. Null Hypothesis (H0): The null hypothesis represents the default position or the status quo. It states that there is no significant difference or relationship between variables, or no effect of a treatment or intervention. It is typically denoted as H0.

2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1): The alternative hypothesis is the opposite of the null hypothesis. It represents the claim or assertion that contradicts the null hypothesis. It states that there is a significant difference or relationship between variables, or an effect of a treatment or intervention. The alternative hypothesis can take different forms depending on the research question and the nature of the investigation.

When conducting a statistical test, the goal is to gather evidence from the data to support or reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis. This process involves making decisions based on the analysis of the data and applying statistical techniques.

To evaluate a hypothesis, statistical tests are performed that provide measures of evidence against the null hypothesis. The outcome of the test leads to one of two possible conclusions: accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis.

1. Rejecting the Null Hypothesis:

If the evidence from the data is strong enough to contradict the null hypothesis, we reject it in favor of the alternative hypothesis. This means that the data provide support for the claim made in the alternative hypothesis.

When the null hypothesis is rejected, it suggests that the observed data are unlikely to have occurred by chance alone assuming the null hypothesis is true. In other words, there is evidence to suggest that there is a significant difference, relationship, or effect being investigated.

2. Accepting the Null Hypothesis:

If the evidence from the data is not sufficient to reject the null hypothesis, we fail to reject it. This does not mean that we accept the null hypothesis as true or correct, but rather that there is insufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.

Accepting the null hypothesis does not indicate that the null hypothesis is proven true or that the variables or treatments are equal. It simply means that we do not have enough evidence to support the alternative hypothesis and, for practical purposes, we assume the null hypothesis to be true.

It's important to note that the concept of "accepting" or "rejecting" a hypothesis is based on the evidence provided by the data, and it is always subject to uncertainty. Statistical tests assign probabilities to the outcomes, such as p-values or confidence intervals, which quantify the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis.

In summary, a hypothesis is a statement or claim that is investigated or tested using data. Accepting or rejecting a hypothesis refers to the decision made based on the analysis of the data. Rejecting the null hypothesis indicates that there is sufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis, while accepting the null hypothesis implies that there is insufficient evidence to reject it. These conclusions are based on statistical tests and the evaluation of the evidence provided by the data.

Q.5      Write notes on the following: -   (20)

            a)         Two - stage least squares

            Two-stage least squares (2SLS) is a statistical technique used to estimate causal relationships in econometrics when there is endogeneity or omitted variable bias. It is a method that addresses the problem of endogeneity by using instrumental variables (IV) to obtain consistent and efficient estimates of the coefficients.

The basic idea behind 2SLS is to break down the estimation into two stages. In the first stage, instrumental variables are used to estimate the endogenous explanatory variables. Then, in the second stage, the estimated values of the endogenous variables are used as proxies in the regression analysis to obtain the final parameter estimates.

Here is an overview of the two stages of the 2SLS method:


First Stage:

1. Identify endogenous variables: Identify the explanatory variables that are endogenous, meaning they are correlated with the error term and potentially biased in the regression analysis.

2. Find instrumental variables: Instrumental variables are variables that are correlated with the endogenous variables but not correlated with the error term. They are used to capture the variation in the endogenous variables that is unrelated to the error term.

3. Estimate the first-stage regression: Regress the endogenous variables on the instrumental variables to obtain the predicted values of the endogenous variables. These predicted values are called the first-stage fitted values.

Second Stage:

1. Include the first-stage fitted values: Use the first-stage fitted values of the endogenous variables as proxies for the actual endogenous variables in the main regression analysis.

2. Run the second-stage regression: Include the first-stage fitted values, along with the exogenous variables, in the regression model. Estimate the coefficients using ordinary least squares (OLS) on the modified regression equation.

3. Obtain the final estimates: The coefficient estimates obtained from the second-stage regression represent the 2SLS estimates, which provide consistent and efficient estimates of the causal relationships between the independent and dependent variables.

Advantages and Limitations of Two-Stage Least Squares:



1. Addresses endogeneity: 2SLS is specifically designed to deal with endogeneity issues, where the independent variables are correlated with the error term. It provides consistent estimates even in the presence of endogeneity.

2. Improves efficiency: By using instrumental variables, 2SLS takes advantage of the additional variation in the endogenous variables that is unrelated to the error term. This leads to more efficient estimates compared to ordinary least squares (OLS).

3. Allows for causal inference: 2SLS helps establish causality by providing estimates that are consistent with a causal interpretation, under the assumptions of the instrumental variables.


1. Requires valid instruments: The instrumental variables used in 2SLS must satisfy certain conditions to be considered valid. They should be correlated with the endogenous variables and have no direct effect on the dependent variable. Finding appropriate instruments can be challenging and may require careful consideration and knowledge of the specific context.

2. Relies on assumptions: 2SLS relies on certain assumptions, such as the relevance and exogeneity of the instrumental variables. Violations of these assumptions can lead to biased estimates. It is important to assess the validity of these assumptions before applying the 2SLS method.

3. Loss of efficiency: While 2SLS improves efficiency compared to OLS in the presence of endogeneity, it may still result in loss of efficiency when valid instruments are not available or when the instrument-weak identification problem occurs.

In summary, two-stage least squares (2SLS) is a valuable method in econometrics for estimating causal relationships when endogeneity is a concern. It provides consistent and efficient estimates by using instrumental variables in a two-stage estimation process. However, it requires careful consideration of instrument validity and assumptions and may suffer from limitations related to instrument availability and potential loss of efficiency.

b)        Three – stage least squares

Three-stage least squares (3SLS) is an advanced econometric technique used to estimate simultaneous equation models with endogeneity and interdependence among the variables. It extends the two-stage least squares (2SLS) method by incorporating an additional stage to address the issue of simultaneous equation bias.

Simultaneous equation models occur when multiple equations are interrelated and jointly determined. In such cases, the endogenous variables appear on both the left-hand and right-hand sides of the equations, leading to endogeneity and biased parameter estimates if not properly addressed.

The 3SLS method involves breaking down the estimation process into three stages, each building upon the previous stage. Here is an overview of the three stages:


First Stage:

1. Identify endogenous variables: Identify the endogenous variables in the system of equations that are simultaneously determined and affected by other variables in the system.

2. Find instrumental variables: Select instrumental variables that are correlated with the endogenous variables but are not correlated with the error terms in any of the equations. Instrumental variables should satisfy the relevance and exogeneity assumptions.

3. Estimate the first-stage equations: For each equation, regress the endogenous variables on their respective instrumental variables and exogenous variables. Obtain the predicted values (first-stage fitted values) for each endogenous variable.

Second Stage:

1. Include first-stage fitted values: Replace the endogenous variables in each equation with their respective first-stage fitted values obtained in the previous stage.

2. Run the second-stage regressions: Estimate the coefficients for each equation using the modified equations with the first-stage fitted values and exogenous variables. This stage provides preliminary estimates of the coefficients.

Third Stage:

1. Include the second-stage residuals: Use the residuals from the second-stage regressions as additional instrumental variables in a system of reduced-form equations.

2. Run the third-stage regressions: Regress the endogenous variables on the second-stage residuals, along with the exogenous variables, to obtain the final estimates of the coefficients. These estimates are known as the three-stage least squares estimates.

Advantages and Limitations of Three-Stage Least Squares:



1. Addresses simultaneity and endogeneity: 3SLS is specifically designed to handle endogeneity and simultaneity problems in simultaneous equation models. It provides consistent estimates by addressing the interdependence among the endogenous variables.

2. Efficient estimates: By incorporating the second-stage residuals as additional instrumental variables, 3SLS utilizes the information contained in the residuals, leading to more efficient estimates compared to 2SLS.

3. Allows for causal inference: Similar to 2SLS, 3SLS facilitates causal inference by providing consistent estimates that support causal interpretation under certain assumptions.


1. Valid instruments: As with 2SLS, 3SLS requires valid instrumental variables that satisfy the relevance and exogeneity assumptions. Ensuring the availability and appropriateness of instrumental variables can be challenging.

2. Assumptions and identification: 3SLS relies on assumptions such as instrument validity, no misspecification of equations, and correct model specification. Violations of these assumptions can lead to biased estimates. Additionally, identification issues may arise if the number of instruments is limited relative to the number of endogenous variables and equations.

3. Computational complexity: The estimation process in 3SLS involves multiple stages and calculations, making it computationally intensive and potentially time-consuming, particularly for large-scale models.

In summary, three-stage least squares (3SLS) is a powerful econometric technique for estimating simultaneous equation models with endogeneity and interdependence among the variables. It extends the 2SLS method by incorporating an additional stage and utilizing second-stage residuals as instrumental variables. While 3SLS addresses simultaneity and endogeneity, it requires careful consideration of instrument validity, assumptions, and identification issues. The computational complexity of the method should also be taken into account when applying it to complex models. Dear Student,

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