Friday, November 17

Course: Introduction to Business Statistics (1350) Autumn 2023

Q. 1 a) Define the following terms:

i) Primary and secondary data              

ii) Qualitative and quantitative variable

b) Write down the applications of statistics in business and commerce.

(a) i) **Primary and Secondary Data:**

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   - **Primary Data:** This is data that is collected firsthand directly from the source. It is original data that has not been previously collected or analyzed. Examples of primary data include surveys, interviews, experiments, and observations conducted specifically for the purpose of the research at hand.

   - **Secondary Data:** This is data that has been collected by someone else for a different purpose and is subsequently used by the researcher. It is information that already exists and is not collected directly by the researcher. Examples include data obtained from books, articles, government publications, or databases.

ii) **Qualitative and Quantitative Variable:**

   - **Qualitative Variable:** Also known as categorical variables, these variables represent categories or groups. They describe qualities or characteristics and cannot be measured numerically. Examples include gender, color, or type of material.

   - **Quantitative Variable:** These variables are numeric and can be measured. They represent quantities and can be further categorized into discrete or continuous variables. Discrete variables take on distinct values (usually whole numbers), while continuous variables can take on any value within a given range. Examples include height, weight, or income.

(b) **Applications of Statistics in Business and Commerce:**

  1. **Market Research:** Statistics are used to analyze market trends, consumer behavior, and preferences to guide business decisions.

   2. **Financial Analysis:** Businesses use statistical tools to analyze financial data, assess performance, and make informed financial decisions.

   3. **Quality Control:** Statistical methods are applied to monitor and control the quality of products and processes in manufacturing.

   4. **Operations Management:** Statistics help optimize processes, manage resources, and improve efficiency in production and service operations.

   5. **Risk Management:** Statistics play a crucial role in assessing and managing risks in various aspects of business, including finance, insurance, and investment.

   6. **Human Resource Management:** Statistics aid in workforce planning, employee performance analysis, and decision-making related to recruitment and training.

   7. **Sales Forecasting:** Statistical models are employed to predict sales trends, allowing businesses to plan inventory, production, and marketing strategies.

   8. **Econometrics:** Businesses use statistical methods to analyze economic data, assess the impact of economic factors, and make predictions about future economic conditions.

   9. **Supply Chain Management:** Statistics help optimize supply chain processes, manage inventory, and improve overall logistics efficiency.

   10. **Customer Satisfaction and Feedback:** Statistical analysis of customer feedback and satisfaction surveys provides insights for improving products and services.

These applications highlight the versatile role of statistics in aiding decision-making and improving overall business performance.

Q. 2 a) Give a description of various graphic and pictorial aids for representing data. Mention particular uses of some methods.                       

b) Draw up a list of rules for the construction of graphs. 

(a) **Various Graphic and Pictorial Aids for Representing Data:**

1. **Bar Graphs:**

   - **Description:** Bar graphs use rectangular bars to represent data. The length of each bar corresponds to the value it represents.

   - **Particular Uses:** Suitable for comparing quantities of different categories. Useful for showing changes over time.

2. **Line Graphs:**

   - **Description:** Line graphs use lines to connect data points. They are particularly effective for showing trends or changes over continuous intervals.

   - **Particular Uses:** Suitable for displaying data that changes continuously, such as stock prices over time.

3. **Pie Charts:**

   - **Description:** A circular chart divided into slices, each representing a proportion of the whole.

   - **Particular Uses:** Ideal for showing the composition of a whole. Used in budgeting to illustrate the distribution of expenses.

4. **Histograms:**

   - **Description:** Similar to bar graphs but used for continuous data. The bars touch each other to represent continuous data intervals.

   - **Particular Uses:** Useful for representing the distribution of data and frequency in statistical analysis.

5. **Scatter Plots:**

   - **Description:** Individual points on a graph represent the relationship between two variables.

   - **Particular Uses:** Shows the correlation between two variables. Commonly used in scientific and research contexts.

6. **Box-and-Whisker Plots:**

   - **Description:** Represents the distribution of a dataset. It includes a box that represents the interquartile range and "whiskers" that extend to the minimum and maximum values.

   - **Particular Uses:** Useful for displaying the spread and skewness of a dataset.

7. **Pictograms:**

   - **Description:** Uses pictures or symbols to represent data, where each picture represents a certain quantity.

   - **Particular Uses:** Often used in educational materials for children and in marketing to convey information visually.

(b) **Rules for the Construction of Graphs:**

1. **Title:**

   - Clearly label the graph with a descriptive title that reflects the content.

2. **Axes:**

   - Label both the x-axis and y-axis with appropriate titles.

   - Include units of measurement for each axis.

3. **Scale:**

   - Choose an appropriate scale to ensure that the graph effectively communicates the data.

   - Avoid misleading scaling that may exaggerate or downplay trends.

4. **Consistency:**

   - Use consistent colors, symbols, or patterns for different data sets to enhance clarity.

5. **Gridlines:**

   - Include gridlines to aid in reading values from the graph.

6. **Legend:**

   - If using multiple data sets or categories, include a legend to explain the meaning of different elements.

7. **Simplicity:**

   - Keep the graph simple and avoid unnecessary decorations that may distract from the data.

8. **Order:**

   - Arrange data in a logical order, such as chronological or numerical.

9. **Clarity:**

   - Ensure that the graph is clear and easy to understand at a glance.

10. **Accuracy:**

   - Double-check calculations and data input to ensure accuracy in representation.

Following these rules contributes to the effective and accurate communication of information through graphical representation.

Q. 3 a) Explain with the help of diagrams the difference between a frequency polygon and a histogram) Define bivariate frequency distribution with suitable examples.

c)How to construct a grouped frequency distribution? Explain all steps in detail.

(a) **Difference between a Frequency Polygon and a Histogram:**

1. **Histogram:**

   - A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of a dataset. It consists of bars that represent the frequencies of different data intervals.

   - The bars in a histogram touch each other, indicating a continuous distribution ofdata.

   - The x-axis represents the data intervals, and the y-axis represents the frequencies.

   - The area of each bar is proportional to the frequency of the corresponding interval.


2. **Frequency Polygon:**

   - A frequency polygon is a line graph that represents the distribution of a dataset. It is created by connecting the midpoints of the tops of the bars in a histogram with straight lines.

   - The x-axis represents the midpoints of the intervals, and the y-axis represents the frequencies.

   - Unlike a histogram, a frequency polygon does not have bars, and the lines represent the trend in the data.

   ![Frequency Polygon](

(b) **Bivariate Frequency Distribution:**

   - A bivariate frequency distribution involves the simultaneous consideration of two variables. It shows how often pairs of values occur together.

   - **Example:** Suppose you are recording the heights and weights of a group of individuals. A bivariate frequency distribution would show how often specific combinations of height and weight occur in the group.

(c) **Steps to Construct a Grouped Frequency Distribution:**

1. **Determine the Range:**

   - Find the range of the data by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value.

2. **Select the Number of Intervals (Classes):**

   - Choose a suitable number of intervals (classes) for the data. A common rule is to use between 5 and 20 intervals, depending on the size of the dataset.

3. **Determine the Width of Each Interval:**

   - Calculate the width of each interval by dividing the range by the number of intervals. Round up to the nearest whole number if necessary.

4. **Establish the Lower Limits of the Intervals:**

   - Start with the minimum value and add the interval width successively to determine the lower limits of each interval.

5. **Determine the Upper Limits of the Intervals:**

   - Subtract 1 from the upper limit of the first interval to get the upper limit of the second interval. Repeat for subsequent intervals.

6. **Count the Frequencies:**

   - Count how many data points fall into each interval and record the frequencies.

7. **Construct the Grouped Frequency Distribution Table:**

   - Create a table with columns for lower limits, upper limits, frequencies, and other relevant information.

8. **Draw the Histogram or Frequency Polygon:**

   - Use the table to construct a histogram or frequency polygon to visually represent the data.

By following these steps, you can organize raw data into a more manageable and informative grouped frequency distribution.

Q. 4 a) Explain the factors which we consider in selection of suitable measure of central tendency.

b) Find mean and median from the given data:













c) Define and explain how to compute quartiles, deciles and percentiles from a grouped frequency distribution.

(a) **Factors in the Selection of Suitable Measure of Central Tendency:**

1. **Nature of Data:**

   - The type and nature of the data influence the choice of a measure of central tendency. For example, for categorical data or ordinal data, the mode may be more appropriate.

2. **Level of Measurement:**

   - The level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio) guides the selection. The mean is suitable for interval and ratio data, while the median and mode are applicable to ordinal and nominal data.

3. **Skewness:**

   - Skewed distributions may affect the choice. In positively skewed distributions, the median is often preferred, while in negatively skewed distributions, the mean may be more appropriate.

4. **Presence of Outliers:**

   - The presence of outliers can heavily influence the mean. If there are outliers, the median or mode may provide a more robust measure.

5. **Purpose of Analysis:**

   - The purpose of the analysis and the information needed can guide the selection. For example, if identifying the most common value is essential, the mode is appropriate.

6. **Statistical Properties:**

   - Consideration of the statistical properties of the measures is crucial. The mean has desirable statistical properties but may be sensitive to extreme values.

(b) **Find Mean and Median from the Given Data:**

\[ \begin{array}{|c|c|c|}


\text{Classes} & \text{f} \\


75-79 & 7 \\

80-89 & 17 \\

85-89 & 29 \\

90-94 & 20 \\

95-99 & 20 \\


\end{array} \]

\[ \text{Mean} = \frac{\sum(f \times \text{Midpoint})}{\sum f} \]


\[ \text{Median} = L + \frac{\frac{N}{2} - F}{f} \times w \]


- \(L\) is the lower boundary of the median class,

- \(N\) is the total frequency,

- \(F\) is the cumulative frequency of the class before the median class,

- \(f\) is the frequency of the median class,

- \(w\) is the width of the median class.

(c) **Quartiles, Deciles, and Percentiles:**

1. **Quartiles:**

   - **Definition:** Quartiles divide a dataset into four equal parts. The three quartiles are denoted as Q1, Q2, and Q3.

   - **Calculation:**

      - \(Q1\) is the median of the lower half of the data.

      - \(Q2\) is the overall median (same as the median).

      - \(Q3\) is the median of the upper half of the data.

2. **Deciles:**

   - **Definition:** Deciles divide a dataset into ten equal parts. Deciles are denoted as D1, D2, ..., D9.

   - **Calculation:**

      - \(Dk\) is the value below which \(k\%\) of the data falls.

3. **Percentiles:**

   - **Definition:** Percentiles divide a dataset into 100 equal parts. The pth percentile is denoted as Pp.

   - **Calculation:**

      - \(Pp\) is the value below which \(p\%\) of the data falls.

These measures are useful for understanding the distribution of data and identifying key points within the dataset.   

Q. 5 a) Discuss the empirical relationship between mean, median and mode. (6+8+6)

           b) Calculate the Geometric mean and Harmonic mean for the given data.      













            c)Write down the merits and demerits of harmonic mean.

(a) **Empirical Relationship between Mean, Median, and Mode:**

1. **Symmetry of Distribution:**

   - In a perfectly symmetrical distribution (bell-shaped like a normal distribution), the mean, median, and mode are equal.

   - If the distribution is skewed:

     - In positively skewed distributions, the mean is greater than the median, which is greater than the mode.

     - In negatively skewed distributions, the mode is greater than the median, which is greater than the mean.


2. **Shape of Distribution:**

   - For a perfectly symmetrical distribution, the mean, median, and mode coincide at the center.

   - In skewed distributions, the mean tends to be pulled in the direction of the skewness.

3. **Relative Positions:**

   - In a right-skewed distribution (positively skewed), the mean is typically greater than the median, which is greater than the mode.

   - In a left-skewed distribution (negatively skewed), the mode is typically greater than the median, which is greater than the mean.

   The relationship can be summarized as:

   \[ \text{Mode} \leq \text{Median} \leq \text{Mean} \]

   However, the exact relationship depends on the skewness of the distribution.

(b) **Calculate the Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean:**

Given Data:

\[ \begin{array}{|c|c|}


\text{Classes} & \text{f} \\


75-79 & 7 \\

80-84 & 17 \\

85-89 & 29 \\

90-94 & 20 \\

95-99 & 16 \\


\end{array} \]

1. **Geometric Mean (GM):**

   \[ GM = \left( \prod \text{Midpoint} \right)^{\frac{1}{N}} \]

   \[ GM = \left( (77) \times (82) \times (87) \times (92) \times (97) \right)^{\frac{1}{5}} \]

   \[ GM \approx 87.56 \]

2. **Harmonic Mean (HM):**

   \[ HM = \frac{N}{\sum \left(\frac{1}{\text{Midpoint}}\right) \times f} \]

   \[ HM = \frac{5}{\frac{1}{77} \times 7 + \frac{1}{82} \times 17 + \frac{1}{87} \times 29 + \frac{1}{92} \times 20 + \frac{1}{97} \times 16} \]

   \[ HM \approx 85.67 \]

(c) **Merits and Demerits of Harmonic Mean:**


1. **Balancing Effect:** Harmonic mean tends to balance extreme values, making it less sensitive to outliers.

2. **Useful in Averaging Rates:** It is suitable for averaging rates, such as speed or efficiency.


1. **Not Applicable to All Data:** Harmonic mean is not defined for datasets with zero values because it involves division.

2. **Sensitive to Small Values:** It is highly sensitive to small values in the dataset, which can significantly impact the result.

3. **Not Easily Interpretable:** The harmonic mean is not as intuitively understandable as the arithmetic mean.

Understanding the characteristics and limitations of the harmonic mean is crucial for its appropriate application in different contexts. Dear Student,

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