Thursday, April 18

Course: Compulsory English-I (1423) Autumm 2023 Assignment 1

Course: Compulsory English-I (1423)

Q.1 Suppose you are a journalist and you are required to interview a famous political

leader of the Islamic world, what ten questions you will ask to know about his/her

political ideology and viewpoints about the Muslim Ummah? (10)

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1. **Can you provide insights into your vision for the Muslim Ummah in the contemporary global context?**

   - Understanding the leader's overarching goals and aspirations for the Muslim community can shed light on their political ideology and long-term strategies.

2. **How do you perceive the role of Islam in governance and political systems?**

   - This question delves into the leader's perspective on the integration of Islamic principles into governance structures and the extent to which they advocate for Islamic law (Sharia) in state affairs.

3. **What are your views on the relationship between religion and state?**

   - Exploring the leader's stance on the separation or integration of religious authority with state governance can reveal their approach to ensuring both religious adherence and political stability.

4. **How do you prioritize the principles of democracy and human rights within an Islamic framework?**

   - Understanding how the leader balances Islamic values with democratic principles and human rights norms can highlight their commitment to inclusive governance and social justice.

5. **In your opinion, what are the most pressing issues facing the Muslim Ummah today, and what strategies do you propose to address them?**

   - This question uncovers the leader's awareness of contemporary challenges facing the Muslim community and their proposed solutions, showcasing their policy priorities and problem-solving approach.

6. **How do you navigate the balance between preserving Islamic cultural identity and engaging with modernity and globalization?**

   - Examining the leader's approach to cultural preservation and adaptation in the face of globalization can offer insights into their ability to navigate complex socio-political dynamics.

7. **What role do you see for the Muslim Ummah in promoting peace and cooperation on the international stage?**

   - Assessing the leader's perspective on the Muslim world's role in global diplomacy and conflict resolution can reveal their commitment to fostering international harmony and solidarity.

8. **How do you address concerns about extremism and terrorism within the Muslim Ummah, and what measures do you advocate for countering radicalization?**

   - Exploring the leader's strategies for combating extremism and promoting moderate interpretations of Islam demonstrates their commitment to fostering a peaceful and inclusive Muslim community.

9. **What is your stance on the relationship between the Muslim world and other religious communities, and how do you propose to foster interfaith dialogue and understanding?**

   - Understanding the leader's approach to religious pluralism and interfaith cooperation can provide insights into their commitment to promoting harmony and mutual respect among diverse communities.

10. **How do you envision the future of Islam and the Muslim Ummah, and what role do you see yourself playing in shaping that future?**

    - This question invites the leader to articulate their vision for the future trajectory of Islam and the Muslim community, as well as their personal aspirations and leadership aspirations within that vision.

These questions aim to explore the political ideology, policy priorities, and vision for the Muslim Ummah held by the interviewed leader, providing a comprehensive understanding of their perspectives and potential contributions to the global Islamic community.

Q.2 Observe your elder sibling’s daily activities closely for a few days and then write a

brief and concise paragraph about his/her daily routine. The paragraph must be

both cohesive and coherent. (10)

Certainly! Here's a concise paragraph describing a typical day in the life of my elder sibling based on observations:

Every morning, my elder sibling rises early, usually around 6 a.m., to kickstart their day. They begin with a brief session of stretching and meditation, prioritizing mental and physical well-being. Afterward, they dive into their morning routine, which often includes preparing a nutritious breakfast comprising whole grains, fruits, and protein-rich foods. Once fueled up, they tackle their professional responsibilities, whether it be attending meetings, managing projects, or working on assignments from their home office. Despite the demands of their job, they make it a point to take short breaks throughout the day to recharge, whether it's enjoying a cup of tea, going for a brisk walk, or simply taking a moment to breathe and reflect. In the evening, my sibling unwinds by engaging in activities they enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or spending quality time with family and friends. They prioritize maintaining a healthy work-life balance, ensuring that they have time for relaxation and leisure activities. Finally, before calling it a night, they wind down with a calming bedtime routine, which often involves reading a book or practicing gratitude journaling to promote restful sleep. Overall, my elder sibling's daily routine reflects a balanced approach to life, prioritizing self-care, productivity, and personal fulfillment.

Q.3 Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the

statement is positive or negative in each case. (10)


i) The issue needs to be resolved at the earliest, ...............................................?

ii) She is not interested in politics, ....................................................................?

iii) They reviewed the policy last week, ............................................................?

iv) Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds,.........................................?

v) His situation is improving day by day, .........................................................?

vi) I love reading classical literature,..................................................................?

vii) We should follow the traffic rules, ...............................................................?

viii) They were striving hard to be successful,......................................................?

ix) He has painted a masterpiece,.......................................................................?

x) She will inform me in time, ..........................................................................?

Sure, here are the question tags for each sentence, taking into account whether the statement is positive or negative:

i) The issue needs to be resolved at the earliest, doesn't it?

ii) She is not interested in politics, is she?

iii) They reviewed the policy last week, didn't they?

iv) Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds, isn't it?

v) His situation is improving day by day, isn't it?

vi) I love reading classical literature, don't I?

vii) We should follow the traffic rules, shouldn't we?

viii) They were striving hard to be successful, weren't they?

ix) He has painted a masterpiece, hasn't he?

x) She will inform me in time, won't she?

Q.4 Write an informal letter to one of your class fellows and invite him/her to join you

in your trip to northern areas of Pakistan. (20)

Dear [Class Fellow's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. It's been a while since we caught up, and I thought what better way to reconnect than to share some exciting news with you! I'm planning a trip to the breathtaking northern areas of Pakistan, and I would love for you to join me on this adventure.

As you know, our hectic schedules and academic commitments often leave us longing for a break, a chance to unwind and immerse ourselves in the beauty of nature. Well, this trip promises just that and more. Picture this: majestic mountains, serene lakes, lush green valleys, and the crisp, invigorating mountain air. It's like something out of a dream, and I can't wait to experience it all with you by my side.

The northern areas of Pakistan are truly a gem waiting to be explored. From the enchanting valleys of Swat and Kaghan to the towering peaks of Nanga Parbat and Rakaposhi, there's no shortage of natural wonders to marvel at. We'll have the opportunity to go hiking, camping, and even indulge in some thrilling adventure sports if you're up for it.

But it's not just about the scenic beauty; it's also about the rich culture and warm hospitality of the people. We'll get to sample delicious local cuisine, interact with the friendly locals, and immerse ourselves in the vibrant traditions of the region. It's sure to be an experience we'll never forget.

I understand that committing to a trip like this requires careful consideration, but rest assured, I've taken care of all the details to ensure a safe and comfortable journey. From transportation and accommodation to itinerary planning and safety precautions, everything has been thoughtfully arranged.

I know you've always had a sense of adventure and a passion for exploring new places, so I can't think of anyone better to share this experience with. Plus, having a familiar face along for the ride will only add to the fun and memories we'll create together.

So what do you say, [Class Fellow's Name]? Are you ready to embark on this unforgettable journey with me? I promise you won't regret it. Let's take a break from our busy lives, escape to the mountains, and make some memories that will last a lifetime.

I'm eagerly awaiting your response and hoping to hear a resounding "yes" from you soon. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, and let's start counting down the days until our adventure begins.

Here's to new experiences, lifelong friendships, and the magic of the mountains!

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Q.5 The following instances contain some highlighted words, guess the meaning of

these words and use them into sentences of your own. (10)

i) She disliked the servile students, the ones who were always

volunteering to help the teacher grade papers or clean the board.

ii) I implore the school board members and administrators to take a

closer look at cyber-bullying as it is practiced in our community, and

take action against it before another senseless tragedy occurs.

iii) He offered me 100 rupees to kill a mouse. I need money so badly that I

am inclined to accept his challenge.

iv) She could not focus on the assignment with the incessant chatting that

was occurring all around him.

v) When Ali received the job offer, he was so overcome with felicity that

he could barely find the words to accept it.

Sure, here are sentences using the highlighted words:

i) She disliked the **servile** students, the ones who were always volunteering to help the teacher grade papers or clean the board.

Sentence: Despite being a **servile** employee, he never received the recognition he deserved from his boss.

ii) I implore the school board members and administrators to take a closer look at cyber-bullying as it is practiced in our community, and take action against it before another senseless **tragedy** occurs.

Sentence: The community came together to support the victims of the natural **tragedy** by donating food and supplies.

iii) He offered me 100 rupees to kill a mouse. I need money so badly that I am inclined to accept his **challenge**.

Sentence: Despite the risks involved, he accepted the **challenge** of climbing the treacherous mountain for a chance at glory.

iv) She could not focus on the assignment with the **incessant** chatting that was occurring all around him.

Sentence: The **incessant** noise of the construction work outside made it impossible for her to concentrate on her studies.

v) When Ali received the job offer, he was so overcome with **felicity** that he could barely find the words to accept it.

Sentence: The news of her sister's engagement filled her with **felicity**, knowing that she had found happiness with someone she loved.

Q.6 Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose

a different expression each time. (10)

i) Income tax collection in Pakistan will be greatly enhanced this year.

ii) The greatest obstacle to economic stability is huge government expenditures.

iii) Foreign language teaching should be introduced at the grass root level.

iv) Life is action not contemplation.

v) Men and women should be given equal employment opportunities.

Certainly, here are expressions of agreement and disagreement for each issue:

i) Income tax collection in Pakistan will be greatly enhanced this year.

Agreement: It's highly likely that income tax collection in Pakistan will see significant improvements this year, given the government's recent efforts to streamline the process and crack down on tax evasion.

Disagreement: While there may be some improvements in income tax collection this year, it's unrealistic to expect a significant enhancement given the prevalent issues such as corruption, tax evasion, and economic challenges faced by many individuals and businesses in Pakistan.

ii) The greatest obstacle to economic stability is huge government expenditures.

Agreement: I completely agree that huge government expenditures pose a significant obstacle to economic stability. Overspending can lead to budget deficits, inflationary pressures, and increased borrowing, all of which can destabilize the economy in the long run.

Disagreement: While government expenditures can indeed impact economic stability, I believe that other factors such as inadequate infrastructure, unemployment, and political instability may play equally significant roles in hindering economic stability.

iii) Foreign language teaching should be introduced at the grass root level.

Agreement: I wholeheartedly support the idea of introducing foreign language teaching at the grass root level. It not only enhances linguistic skills but also promotes cultural understanding, global communication, and opens up opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Disagreement: While foreign language teaching can be beneficial, introducing it at the grass root level may not be feasible due to limited resources and competing educational priorities. It's essential to focus on strengthening foundational subjects before introducing additional curriculum components.

iv) Life is action not contemplation.

Agreement: I couldn't agree more with the notion that life is about taking action rather than passively contemplating. It's through our actions that we shape our destinies, achieve our goals, and make a meaningful impact on the world around us.

Disagreement: While action is undoubtedly important, I believe that contemplation also plays a crucial role in life. Taking the time to reflect, introspect, and plan can lead to more informed and effective actions, ultimately contributing to personal growth and fulfillment.

v) Men and women should be given equal employment opportunities.

Agreement: Absolutely, ensuring equal employment opportunities for men and women is not just a matter of fairness but also essential for fostering diversity, reducing gender discrimination, and harnessing the full potential of our workforce.

Disagreement: While the goal of equal employment opportunities is noble, achieving it requires addressing systemic barriers such as gender stereotypes, unequal access to education and training, and biases in hiring practices. Simply advocating for equality without addressing these underlying issues may not lead to meaningful change.

Q.7Suppose your younger brother is staying in a university hostel. Suggest him some

practical measures to resist negative peer influences and focus on his studies

without wasting his precious time. (

Resisting negative peer influences and staying focused on studies while living in a university hostel can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, it's definitely achievable. Here are some practical measures your younger brother can implement:

1. **Set Clear Goals**: Encourage your brother to set clear academic and personal goals for himself. Having a vision of what he wants to achieve will help him stay focused and motivated, even in the face of peer pressure.

2. **Manage Time Effectively**: Time management is crucial in a university setting. Suggest that your brother create a study schedule that allocates specific time slots for studying, attending classes, and engaging in extracurricular activities. By prioritizing his time effectively, he can avoid wasting precious hours on unproductive activities.

3. **Choose Positive Peer Groups**: Encourage your brother to surround himself with friends who share similar academic goals and values. Positive peer groups can provide support, encouragement, and motivation, making it easier for him to resist negative influences.

4. **Develop Strong Self-Esteem**: Help your brother build confidence in himself and his abilities. Remind him that he doesn't need to conform to negative peer pressure to feel accepted or valued. Encourage him to embrace his individuality and stand firm in his beliefs.

5. **Practice Assertiveness**: Teach your brother how to assertively say no to peer pressure. Role-play different scenarios with him and help him come up with assertive responses to peer pressure situations. By practicing assertiveness, he'll feel more empowered to make positive choices for himself.

6. **Seek Support from Mentors**: Encourage your brother to seek guidance and support from trusted mentors, such as professors, academic advisors, or older students. These individuals can offer valuable advice, perspective, and encouragement to help him navigate challenges and stay focused on his studies.

7. **Limit Exposure to Negative Influences**: Suggest that your brother limit his exposure to environments or social situations where negative peer influences are prevalent. This might involve avoiding certain parties or gatherings where academic priorities are often neglected in favor of socializing.

8. **Engage in Healthy Activities**: Encourage your brother to engage in healthy activities that promote overall well-being, such as exercise, hobbies, or volunteering. These activities can help him relieve stress, boost his mood, and maintain a positive outlook, making it easier to resist negative influences.

9. **Practice Mindfulness**: Introduce your brother to mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises. Mindfulness can help him stay grounded, focused, and present in the moment, reducing the likelihood of being swayed by negative peer pressure.

10. **Reflect on Values and Priorities**: Encourage your brother to regularly reflect on his values and priorities in life. Remind him of the importance of his education and the long-term goals he's working towards. By staying true to his values and priorities, he'll be better equipped to resist negative peer influences and stay focused on his studies.

By implementing these practical measures, your younger brother can resist negative peer influences and stay focused on his studies while living in a university hostel. With determination, self-discipline, and support from positive influences, he can thrive academically and personally during his university experience.

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