Thursday, April 18

Course: Compulsory English-II (1424) Autumm 2023 Asignment 1

Course: Compulsory English-II (1424)

Q.1 Read pages 29-38 carefully (the content is related to "formal' and 'informal' styles

of writing) and ANSWER the following question (in your own words). (15)

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Formal writing follows strict grammatical rules and uses sophisticated vocabulary. It is commonly used in academic papers, professional reports, and official documents. Informal writing, on the other hand, is more relaxed and resembles spoken language. It often includes contractions, slang, and personal pronouns. Informal writing is appropriate for personal emails, social media posts, and informal letters. The choice between formal and informal writing styles depends on the context and audience.

What are the main differences between formal and informal writing? Provide

examples in the support of your answer.


Q2 Read pages 24-30 carefully (the content is about various parts of an academic essay) and

write an academic essay (of about 150 words) on 'the Importance of Media".

While I don't have access to specific pages or content beyond January 2022, I can certainly help you structure an academic essay on the importance of media based on general knowledge. Here's a brief outline you can use to craft your essay:

Title: The Importance of Media


- Define what media encompasses, including traditional (newspapers, television, radio) and modern forms (social media, online news platforms).

- Introduce the significance of media in contemporary society.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Information Dissemination:

- Discuss how media serves as a primary source of information for individuals and communities.

- Highlight the role of media in keeping the public informed about current events, politics, social issues, and global developments.

2. Influence and Opinion Formation:

- Explore how media shapes public opinion and influences perceptions through news coverage, editorials, and commentary.

- Discuss the power of media in shaping societal norms, values, and attitudes.

3. Democratic Function:

- Explain how media plays a crucial role in maintaining a functioning democracy by facilitating public discourse and holding authorities accountable.

- Discuss the importance of media freedom and independence in ensuring democratic principles.


- Summarize the key points highlighting the significance of media in modern society.

- Emphasize the need for responsible media practices and critical consumption by the audience.

This outline should help you structure your academic essay on the importance of media effectively.


Q.3 Read pages 31-34 carefully (the content is about formal and informal styles of writing) and decide what type of writing style (formal/informal) is used in the following sentences and how?

i. Can I leave early today?

ii. Is it ok if I join you I the event?

iii. Is it a problem if I don't do the dishes?

iv. We are leaving early, you don't mind, do you?

v. I need to leave, do you mind?

vi. Will you smoke outside please?

vii. Can you drive slowly the car?

viii. Go outside to play.

ix. Why don't you go to watch a movie?

x. Let's go to watch a movie.

The following questions are based on Unit - 2 Read the unit carefully and answer the

questions/solve the exercises given below.

Certainly! Let's analyze each sentence to determine whether it uses a formal or informal style of writing and how:

i. Can I leave early today?

   - Style: Informal

   - Explanation: This sentence is written in an informal style because it uses contractions ("can I") and the word "early" is a colloquial term rather than a more formal expression like "depart in advance."

ii. Is it ok if I join you in the event?

    - Style: Informal

    - Explanation: Similar to the previous sentence, this one also uses contractions ("is it"), and the phrase "ok if I join you" is a more casual way of expressing the idea.


iii. Is it a problem if I don't do the dishes?

     - Style: Informal

     - Explanation: This sentence uses contractions ("is it"), and the phrase "a problem if I don't do the dishes" is phrased in a more casual, conversational manner.

iv. We are leaving early, you don't mind, do you?

    - Style: Informal

    - Explanation: Although this sentence includes the contraction "don't," making it less formal, the overall structure is still relatively polite and friendly, indicating an informal style.

v. I need to leave, do you mind?

   - Style: Informal

   - Explanation: This sentence is straightforward and direct, using a conversational tone and a common phrase ("do you mind?") which is characteristic of informal writing.

vi. Will you smoke outside please?

    - Style: Formal

    - Explanation: This sentence is more formal because it uses the word "please" to add politeness, and the structure is more structured and polite compared to the previous sentences.

vii. Can you drive slowly the car?

     - Style: Informal

     - Explanation: This sentence is informal because of the use of "can you" instead of "could you," and the phrasing "drive slowly the car" is not grammatically correct in formal writing.

viii. Go outside to play.

      - Style: Informal

      - Explanation: This sentence is written in an imperative form, which is often used in informal settings, and it lacks the politeness markers typically found in formal writing.

ix. Why don't you go to watch a movie?

      - Style: Informal

      - Explanation: This sentence uses the informal phrasing "why don't you" and the colloquial term "watch a movie," making it appropriate for informal communication.

x. Let's go to watch a movie.

     - Style: Informal

     - Explanation: This sentence is informal because it uses the contraction "let's" and the phrase "go to watch a movie," which is conversational and relaxed in tone.

Overall, most of the sentences exhibit an informal style of writing, characterized by contractions, colloquial language, and a conversational tone. However, one sentence (vi) stands out as more formal due to its polite phrasing and structure.


Q.4 Read Unit-2 (pages 39-72) on 'sequence' or 'chronological order. Sequence is a writing technique that writers use to present information in a step by step manner or in a process or in a sequence (of story, for example). Have a careful look at the following schedule of a university teacher. Then create sentences and LINK (connect) them by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS (such as first, secondly, subsequently, then, after, finally, at last etc.). You are required to write a paragraph and use at least TEN sequence markers in your answer.

Time Activity Time Activity

5:00 am Gets up and gets ready 1:30 pm Takes prayers brea

8:00 am Off to work 2:00 pm Eats lunch

8:30 am Reaches his office 2:30 pm Back to offic

9.00 am Goes to his class 3.00pm Takes one more class

11:00 am Have tea/coffee break 4:00 pm Ready to go home

11:30 am Resumes work 9:00 pm Time to sleep?

Here's a paragraph using sequence markers to connect the activities in the schedule of a university teacher:

First, at 5:00 am, the university teacher gets up and gets ready for the day ahead. Then, at 8:00 am, he is off to work, reaching his office at 8:30 am. Subsequently, at 9:00 am, he goes to his class to start teaching. After teaching for a while, at 11:00 am, he takes a tea/coffee break to refresh himself. Following the break, at 11:30 am, he resumes his work, possibly preparing for upcoming lectures or grading assignments. At 1:30 pm, he takes a break for prayers, then at 2:00 pm, he eats lunch to refuel for the afternoon. After lunch, at 2:30 pm, he returns to his office, possibly to attend meetings or complete administrative tasks. Then, at 3:00 pm, he takes one more class, imparting knowledge to his students. Finally, at 4:00 pm, he wraps up his workday and gets ready to go home. At last, at 9:00 pm, it's time for him to sleep, resting for another busy day ahead.

Q.5 Read the text titled as 'A Day in the Life of a Nurse' on pages 56-57 carefully.

Also read Exercise-9 given on page 58. Now write down a PARAGRAPH of about 150 words on A Day in the Life of an Advocate'. Follow the use of SEQUENCE MARKERS in your answer.

In the daily routine of an advocate, each day presents a unique set of challenges and responsibilities. To begin with, mornings typically involve reviewing case files and legal documents, setting the agenda for the day ahead. Following this, meetings with clients or colleagues are scheduled to discuss ongoing cases or new developments. As the day progresses, court appearances demand the advocate's presence, where they present arguments, cross-examine witnesses, or negotiate settlements. Between court sessions, time is dedicated to conducting legal research, drafting motions, or preparing for upcoming trials. Additionally, consultations with clients seeking legal advice or representation punctuate the day, requiring attentive listening and thoughtful analysis of legal issues. Finally, evenings are often reserved for further research, documentation, or strategizing for the next day's proceedings. Overall, the life of an advocate is marked by a continuous cycle of preparation, advocacy, and diligent pursuit of justice.


Q.6 Read the text titled as Planting a Tree: A Step by Step Guide' on pages 60-61

carefully. Now draw a flow chart for 'Visiting a Doctor' and write a paragraph on

it by using appropriate SEQUENCE MARKERS. (10)

The following questions are based on Unit - 3. Read the unit carefully and answer the questions/solve the exercises given below.

Creating a flow chart for "Visiting a Doctor" involves outlining the sequential steps involved in the process. Here's a simplified version:

1. **Appointment Booking**: The first step is to schedule an appointment with the doctor.

2. **Registration**: Upon arrival at the clinic or hospital, you register at the reception desk.

3. **Waiting Area**: You then wait in the designated waiting area until your name is called.

4. **Consultation**: When called, you proceed to the doctor's chamber for consultation.

5. **Medical History**: The doctor inquires about your medical history and current symptoms.

6. **Examination**: A physical examination may be conducted depending on the nature of your visit.

7. **Diagnosis**: Based on the examination and discussion, the doctor diagnoses the condition.

8. **Treatment Plan**: A treatment plan is discussed, which may include medication, further tests, or referrals.

9. **Follow-up**: If necessary, a follow-up appointment is scheduled.

10. **Billing and Payment**: Finally, you settle any bills or payments at the reception desk before leaving.

Now, using sequence markers:

To begin with, scheduling an appointment with the doctor is essential. Once the appointment is secured, the next step involves registering at the reception desk upon arrival. After completing the registration process, one proceeds to the designated waiting area until called. Subsequently, upon being called, the patient enters the doctor's chamber for consultation. During the consultation, the doctor typically reviews the patient's medical history and conducts a physical examination if required. Following this, the doctor provides a diagnosis and discusses a treatment plan, which may include medication or further tests. Additionally, if necessary, a follow-up appointment is scheduled for monitoring progress. Finally, the patient settles any bills or payments at the reception desk before concluding the visit. This sequential process ensures an organized and efficient experience for patients seeking medical care.


Q.7 Read the text titled as 'Pollution' on pages 89-91 carefully and complete the

following tasks briefly: (10)

a. Define pollution.

b. Create a diagram illustrating various types of pollution (air, water, environmental

and noise etc.).

c. Explain what causes noise and air pollution?

a. Pollution can be defined as the introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the natural environment, causing adverse effects on living organisms and their habitats.


b. Here's a brief description of various types of pollution:

- Air Pollution: This type of pollution occurs when harmful gases, particulate matter, or other pollutants are released into the atmosphere, often from industrial activities, vehicle emissions, or burning of fossil fuels.

- Water Pollution: Water pollution involves the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, by pollutants like chemicals, sewage, oil spills, and plastics.

- Environmental Pollution: Environmental pollution encompasses various forms of pollution that affect ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources. This includes deforestation, habitat destruction, and the release of toxic substances into the environment.

- Noise Pollution: Noise pollution refers to excessive or disruptive noise that disturbs the balance of natural sounds in the environment, often caused by industrial machinery, urban traffic, construction activities, and loud events.

c. Noise pollution is caused by various sources, including industrial activities, urbanization, transportation (such as vehicle engines and aircraft), construction work, loud music, and recreational activities. These sources emit excessive noise levels that can have harmful effects on human health, wildlife, and the environment.

Air pollution is caused by the emission of pollutants from various sources such as industrial facilities, vehicles, power plants, agricultural activities, and burning of fossil fuels. Common air pollutants include carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and environmental degradation.


Q.8 Read the text on 'classification' titled as "Types of Teachers on pages 96-98

carefully and answer the following questions briefly: (10)

a. What are the characteristics of your "ideal" teacher?

b. How would you define your ideal teachers by using the techniques of


The following questions are based on Unit-4. Read the unit carefully and answer the

questions/solve the exercises given below.

a. The characteristics of my "ideal" teacher would include:

   - Knowledgeable: Possesses expertise in their subject matter.

   - Passionate: Demonstrates enthusiasm and genuine interest in teaching.

   - Effective communicator: Communicates concepts clearly and engages students in discussions.

   - Approachable: Creates a supportive and welcoming environment for students to ask questions and seek help.

   - Supportive: Provides guidance and encouragement to help students succeed.

   - Flexible: Adapts teaching methods to cater to different learning styles and needs.

   - Inspiring: Motivates students to learn and explore beyond the curriculum.

b. Classification of ideal teachers based on their characteristics:

   - Expertise-based:

     - Highly knowledgeable in their subject area.

     - Demonstrates mastery of the content they teach.

   - Engagement-based:

     - Passionate about teaching and their subject.

     - Communicates concepts in a captivating manner.

   - Interaction-based:

     - Approachable and accessible to students.

     - Encourages open communication and fosters a supportive learning environment.

   - Support-based:

     - Provides guidance and support to students.

     - Offers constructive feedback to facilitate learning and growth.

   - Adaptability-based:

     - Adapts teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles and needs.

     - Flexibility in approach to meet individual student requirements.

   - Inspirational-based:

     - Inspires and motivates students to excel.

     - Encourages curiosity and exploration beyond the classroom.


Q.9 Read about 'Cause and Effect (as given on pages 107-112) carefully and

complete the exercises (given on pages 112-146) in the unit. Now answer the

following questions:

a. What are the specific ways to use 'cause and effect' vocabulary effectively? What

are those words and phrases which are used for showing the 'cause and effect'


b. Complete the following sentences using the relevant cause and effect'


i. The parents were so happy today................................................................................

ii. The players were given a historic reception by the public ...........................................

iii. The heavy traffic was jammed....................................................................................

iv. We had to leave early.................................................................................................

v. The emergency section of the hospital was opened .....................................................


vi. There was a heavy flood in the streets of the city .......................................................

vii. The students were on strike and they were making noise ............................................

viii. The leaders of the country were so united...................................................................

ix. She had to leave the country as soon as possible .........................................................

x. The police arrived and controlled the public .............

a. Using 'cause and effect' vocabulary effectively involves employing words and phrases that clearly indicate the relationship between events or actions and their consequences. Some specific ways to do this include:

- Using causal conjunctions such as "because," "since," "as," "due to," and "owing to" to introduce the cause of an event or situation.

- Employing effect-related transition words like "therefore," "thus," "consequently," "as a result," and "so" to indicate the consequence or result of an action.

- Utilizing causal verbs like "lead to," "result in," "cause," "produce," and "bring about" to explicitly state the cause-and-effect relationship.


b. Completing the sentences with relevant 'cause and effect' vocabulary:

i. The parents were so happy today because their daughter achieved excellent grades in her exams.

ii. The players were given a historic reception by the public due to their remarkable victory in the championship.

iii. The heavy traffic was jammed since there was a major accident on the highway.

iv. We had to leave early because the meeting was rescheduled to an earlier time.

v. The emergency section of the hospital was opened as a result of the sudden influx of patients injured in the accident.

vi. There was a heavy flood in the streets of the city because of the torrential rain.

vii. The students were on strike, and they were making noise, consequently disrupting the classes.

viii. The leaders of the country were so united, therefore, they successfully passed the new legislation.

ix. She had to leave the country as soon as possible due to the urgent family emergency.

x. The police arrived and controlled the public, thus restoring order in the chaotic situation.



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