Showing posts with label 677. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 677. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11

Course: Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped (677) Autummm 2023 Assignments

Course: Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped (677)

Q.1      Who the VHC get the information of the outs side world? Do the information they receive is correct?    (20)

Sunday, July 2

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped (677) - Spring 2023 - Assignment 1

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped (677)

Q.1         Who the VHC get the information of the outs side world? Do the information they receive is correct?

Tuesday, February 14

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped Children (677) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Independence Training for the Visually Handicapped Children (677) 

Q. 1    Differentiate the terms orientation and mobility. Explain the role of hearing in achieving orientation.