Showing posts with label 678. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 678. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11

Course: Special Education for the Visually Handicapped Children (678) Assignments 1

Course: Special Education for the Visually Handicapped Children (678)

Q.1      Differentiate between the term complete blindness and partial sightedness.

Sunday, July 2

Specil Education for the Visually Handicapped Children (678) - Spring 2023 - assignment 1

Specil Education for the Visually Handicapped Children (678)

.1 Differentiate between the term complete blindness and partial sightedness.

Tuesday, February 14

Special Education for the Visually Handicapped children (678) - Autumn 2022 - Assignment 1

Special Education for the Visually Handicapped children (678)

Q. 1    Categorically differentiate the characteristics of visually handicapped children. Elaborate the social and emotional implications of VHS.